Chapter 1

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*Tay POV*
Ughhh man why did I even go to that interview dawg. My homeboy told me about an opening at his job and I was dumb enough to apply. Passed the test and everything. I mean I been grinding at this job for almost a year now and the students vibe with me but dang this job slower than a mug.  I rolled out of bed and went into the bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Nigga betta get a move on. I hopped in the shower and then hopped out. I quickly lotioned down and threw on some boxers and a sports bra. Grabbed a polo and some khakis and my white forces. I grabbed my phone and watch off the chargers and headed out the door.

" Yo Tay Rent due" My landlord hollered as I was running down the steps

"Got you "I nodded and ran to my car

On the way to work, I stopped by McDonald's for an iced coffee and a breakfast sandwich. I pulled into my usual spot and headed to my classroom. I'm a paraprofessional here and they got me in the In-School Suspension room. So I be in here chilling with the kids who don't know how to act with sense in the school. Normally it's a repeat of the same kids. When there isn't anyone in ISS then I just be floating around the school going where they need me. I'm not trying to be a teacher though. I am in college but only part-time. I dropped out after one semester when I was 18 and at 23 I decided to go back. My major is Leadership and I know what yall thinking. TF you gonna do with Leadership. I don't really know but moms is happy I'm in school and she off my back, that's what's important to me.

The bell rang and students soon filled the halls. I quickly finished my sandwich and went to go open my door. I stood at the door and waited to see if any repeat offenders strolled in

"Yo Miss Tay" one of my regulars dapped me up

"This you today" I asked

"Nah Imma behave this week" he smiled

"And the week after that and until you graduate" I pointed at him

"Where do you belong young man" an old dude rolled up on me

"Firstly it's young lady or my name is Tay. Secondly this my classroom" I looked at him

"You a teacher" he raised his eyebrows

"A para and you are" I kept that same stank face

"Assistant Principal Lee" He stuck out his hand for a handshake. We must've gotten a new assistant principal cause this ain't ole dude I met before. The old assistant principal was a bald white man. This dude a black man with a fade.

"Yeah well aight Mr. Lee" I half shook his hand and stuck my hands in my pockets

"How long have you been here Tay was it"

"A year" I am getting slightly irritated by this man

A student walked by and into my classroom. Not one of my regulars. I turned into the classroom

"You ISS" I asked him

"Yeah" He shrugged

"Aight well take a seat and do any work your teacher sent you with" I nodded and turned back to this Lee dude

"My apologies for the mix up" He grinned and chuckled "You just look young"

"Yeah and like a dude" I sarcastically stated

"Yo miss tay" A regular showed up

"don't tell me you in here with me this week " I looked at him

"Teacher wanted my phone" He snicked his teeth

"Go sit down somewhere boy. We been over this. You know phones ain't allowed out in the classroom" I shook my head

"These kids seem to like you Miss Tay" Lee chuckled

"Yeah well they respect me and I show them respect. It's all mutual" I nodded " Have a good day"

I walked in the room and sat at my desk. Students in here now the drill. Their teachers normally send them with work to do while they in here and they do it quietly. We got a flow in here. Meanwhile, I sit at my desk and look busy.

"Yo Miss. Tay what you and your girl been up to" Levi the regular laughed

"Levi man do you work and quit trying to mind my business" I waved him off

"Aight noted. It grown folk business" He laughed and went back to his assignment

I sighed and pulled Imessage on my personal Mac. I scrolled down to my gf contact and typed her a message
Me: Wyd beautiful
My❤️: about to go to lecture

My girl Amber just graduated and started her masters program. She has a bachelors in biology and is getting a master's in biological sciences. She currently living near campus in a house with a few other girls. I'm actually surprised she answered. She normally too busy
Me: Learn some stuff so you can teach me
My❤️: what you gonna do with knowledge from my biology class
Me: might learn something
My❤️: Cute gotta go in class
I get she trying to get an education or whatever but that whole not hitting me up unless it's convenient and for me. I closed my MacBook and sat back in my seat with a sigh.

"You good" New kid looked at me

"I'm straight" I nodded

"Far from it" he mumbled

"What, speak up" I looked at him
He remained silent and Levi chuckled until I looked at him. These punks know I ain't playing with them. I sat back in my seat again and read through my work emails

"Tay" My boy Dave strolled in

"Sup D. What's kicking" I asked

"Not much stopped by to holla at you. See you got two inmates" he chuckled
Dave the math teacher here and the one who convinced me to be a para at-least while I'm in school

"Go on Dave" I shook my head

"Aight Tay. I'll holla at you later
He left the room and it returned to quiet. I watched the clock wishing it was already the end of the workday. I did mundane tasks all day until finally it was time to go home. I packed up my things. Waved bye to all the teachers I normally say bye to and drove back to my apartment. I dropped my rent off at the office and went up to my apartment. I use to run drugs fresh out of high school with a few friends but I cut all that out when one of my boys got time. I ain't got time for that. I still got some bands left over but money ain't good like it use to be.

I warmed up some leftovers, lit a blunt and called Amber. Her phone went to voicemail but she texted me
My❤️: Studying in library with friends call you back when I'm home
Me: Aight love you
She read it but didn't respond. I sat my phone down and 15 minutes later it buzzed
My❤️: ily2
Whatever Amber. I put up with this because I'm trying to be that understanding and supportive girlfriend but ish irritating

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