You Get A Service Dog

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Wednesday: She doesn't care honesty. I mean, she may feel very proud of you, but won't show it. Thing has to convince her to even pet it, if you let her.

Enid: So happy! She is so happy you got help! But, when you're sleeping or in the shower, plays with the dogs hair, braiding, hair clips, even dog safe hair(fur[?]) Dye. Makes it so pretty looking. :3

Bianica: She supports you all the way. If you don't have enough money, uses her siren song to get you one.

Xavier: So proud. Like he is so happy you got something to help you. Whenever someone tries to pet the dog or when Karens complain about it, full on snaps at them.

Ajax: My mans is so happy. Literally makes a beanie for the dog. Cuddles the dog so much when you don't need it.

Tyler: So happy. Gets puppy drinks and treats so he can give it some when yall stop by at WeatherVane.

Rowan: So happy. Sometimes asks you if he can use it when he feels anxious (if it's a mental service dog).

Kent: Adores it. Like literally. He will BOW DOWN to it whenever he see you with it. Other than that, he is so proud that you got help for your mental/physical needs.

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