Random Kisses -Ajax-

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(Random little thingy. Im really sick atm and haven't been having a good sleep schedule so this will be hella shit. This took days to write, due to sleeping a lot.)






All of them out of nowhere. It really confused Ajax as to why his best friend is out of the blue kissing his cheek. Not that he was complaining. He liked Y/n a lot.

You both grew up together. Your parents were bestfriends and next door neighbors. So that meant Ajax was over a lot. And the second you met, yall were attached to the hip. You were inseparable. And still are.

The first time Ajax looked at you, he fell in love. I know, it sounds kinda cliche, but to Ajax, it was love a first sight. And every time he saw you, he fell harder and harder.

Cutting Ajax from his thoughts, there was a knock on his dorm room door. Sighing, he gets up and opens the door. Speak of the devil.

"Hey, Y/n." Ajax softly greeted, letting you come into his dorm. "Hi! Are you ready for classes?" You chirped, sitting on his bed. "Yeah. You?" "Mhm!" Ajax walked over and sat next to you.

The door opened again, cutting your conversation short. Xavier came in to grab his bag. "Ajax, Y/n? You ready for class?" Xavier asked, sliding the strap of his bag around his shoulder. You both nodded.

"I actually have to give a new student a tour. I'll see you at lunch and free period?" You say, looking at each of the boys. "Oh, yeah. That's cool." Xavier responded as Ajax awkwardly nodded his head.

You smiled and walked up to Ajax, kissing his cheek before waving a small and quick goodbye to the two before leaving the dorm, closing the door behind you.

"What was that about?" Xavier teased, knowing whats been happening the past like, two months. "Shut up." Ajax mumbled, his face now a cherry red. "You should tell them how you feel before it's too late. They aren't going to wait for you forever." Xavier responded looking back at the gorgon who was now slightly moping.

'They aren't going to wait for you forever.'


That's all Ajax could think about after that. The next four class periods went by with a blink of an eye, and suddenly, it was lunch period already.

You walked over with the new student. "Ajax! This is Randy!(random name lol) Randy, this is Ajax!" You introduced.

"Oh uh, hi." Ajax mumbled, holding out his hand for Randy to shake. Randy reached their forearm up and wrapped a tentacle around Ajax's hand, making him flinch and go wide eyed. Both you and Randy giggle. Randy let go with a underwater like bubble sound coming from his metal mask.

"Randy's an octopus. They don't speak English because... well... they can't. They don't have human vocal cords or a human mouth. So they kinda speak like Thing. Or Wednesday's awesome cousin Itt." You explained, fascination coating your voice as you talked about your new friend. See your eyes light up about things like this made Ajax smile.

You walked over and kissed Ajax's cheek and stood next to him, your energy coursing through your veins. Randy let out some sort of 'aww' like noise, making you giggle.

(Lowkey in love with Randy rn lol)

<Time Skip to when classes got out>

Randy hugged you tightly before walking over to the sirens, who invited them to go to WeatherVane for hot chocolate. In the corner of your eye, you saw Ajax walking towards you, hands in his pockets.

You ran over to him kissing his cheek. "Awww!" You heard from Enid from across the Quad, making Ajax's already blushing face even redder.

Suddenly, Ajax grabbed your hand a pulled you into an empty corridor. "Why do you keep doing that?" He asked. "Doing what?" You asked innocently. "Kissing me."

Your heart sank. "Do you not like it? I'm sorry." You apologized, looking down. "No, no, no, no! I do! It's just..." Ajax goes silent. "Just what?" You asked, looking up. "I... you have been sending me a hell of a lot of mixed signals... do you... like... like me in a... y'know... romantic kinda way?" He asked, almost hesitantly.

"Yes!" You giggle. "It finally got to you!" Ajax smiled. There was a peaceful silence for a few seconds. Then, the two of you made eye contact. You both smiled and leaned in, connecting your lips together. His hands on your waist, yours cupping his face.

When you both pulled away for air, you both giggled. "Does this mean you'll go out with me?" He asked. "Of course, Ajax. Of course." You responded, kissing his cheek once more.

(Sorry if this is shit)
(Also I just watched Edward Scissorhands for the first time tonight and I am obsessed :D)

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