You're on Your Period

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(You're a girl in this, sorry if you are not a girl)

Wednesday: uHm WhAt Do yOu ThInK? She doesn't give a flying fuck. She is completely unphased when you get mad or cry over very little stupid things. She'll probably like buy you some pain meds and maybe a pad/tampon pack, but other than that, you're on your own. Sorry, bestie.

Enid: Yall have a about the same period time of the month(If that makes any sense at all). So yall are cuddling, eating candy and other junk food, and crying over every single Disney movie ending. Buys you anything and everything. You do the same to her. Yall are attached to the hip and won't leave each other's sides. Like seriously. You asked Principal Weems for a pass so yall could be period buddies and have class together for a whole week every month.

Xavier: Not sure what a period is completely, but he tries his best. Cuddles galore, junk food galore. He spoils the hell outta you. Chuckles when you cry watching Stranger Things when Eleven starts crying and having flashbacks. YoureIf you give him an attitude he will try not to give you one back. Overly protective. Like he is already overprotective of you, but like... he's more protective when you're on your period. Like, seriously. If someone hurts your feelings in the slightest way possible, that mf better start running.

Ajax: Confused as fuck. Literally had to Google it. But it didn't make sense to him. He had to ask Enid for help. When she explained it, he got it. He bought you your favorite candy and a stuffed animal of your favorite animal and headed to your room. He got you a heating pad and you played minecraft together on your phones all day. When you get emotional, he instantly comforts you. Literally an awkward emotional teddy bear. Like he lets you use him as a pillow. And my mans tracks your period so we knows when to be more gentle and sweet than usual so he doesn't piss you off or make you cry by accident.

Tyler: Googles it. When he finds out he let's out a soft "Oh. That's why she started happy crying when I gave her a drink on the house earlier today..." Like he comes over with junk food, stuffed animals, flowers, pain meds and a heating pad. Your mood swings don't phase him at all. And when you start to cry over random stuff, he will cuddle you and quietly giggle at this and kiss the top of your head. And when you're angry, he calms you down with a hug and more and more cuddles.

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