Childhood Days

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(A Picture of Roxas for the display! Oh it's not mine though, all credits goes to the artist who drew that masterpiece!) :)

When I was eight years old, my parents were visiting a neighboring kingdom so I need to follow them. "(Y/N), come here please," My mom's voice called me. "What is it mommy?" I asked innocently. "Well we wanted you to meet King Cloud and Queen Aerith's sons," She smiled as I shied closer to her. "Aw, I wish we have a daughter," Auntie Aerith giggled. "Well boys, come meet a new friend," She signaled her two sons. "Hello, I'm Sora. I'm the older one," The spiky boy with brown hair grinned brightly. "H-Hi, I-I'm (Y/N)," I smiled shyly at him. "I'm Roxas, I'm younger than Sora... but ONLY by a minute," The boy with a yellowish like hair said. Back then, I was too dense to know the word 'blonde' and 'brunette'. Their eyes were sparkling blue when they looked at me. "Ooh, I love the color of your eyes," I smiled at them. "Thanks," They grinned at the same time. "Aww, aren't they adorable?" Auntie Aerith and Mom went away discussing about how they'll visit each other more for more play dates. Uncle Cloud and dad winced as they followed their wife into the drawing room.

"Let's go to the kitchen first, then the garden!" Sora grinned. "Sure," I chuckled. We ran to the kitchen and saw some cooks running around preparing some meals, "Oh, Mrs. Smee! Mrs. Smee!" Sora jumped up and down waving at the grey-haired woman. "Yes, Little Prince Sora?" The elder woman smiled. "May we have three sea-salt ice creams, pleaseeee?" Sora and Roxas' eyes plead with so much cuteness in them. "Aww, Oh alright," She chuckled before handing us each ice creams. "There run along now," She shook her head smiling before returning to her job. "Thanks Mrs. Smee," We thanked her before making our way to the garden.

The garden was really huge with a fountain in the middle. The fountain was made of white marble with a large heart and crown on top of it spurting out water. The place is covered in green grass. There are lots of beautiful colorful flowers neatly placed everywhere. Grey stepping stones with nice pattern on it are neatly ordered amongst the grass to lead the way from the back door to the center bungalow. The bungalow is really huge with white picket fence surrounding it. These are usually used for tea time; our parents should be hanging around here later on. It has a dome like for the roof, and white pillars in the corners. In the middle there is a round table with cream-colored garments covering it and a comfortable seat surrounding it. Tea pots are present along with fresh flowers hung around the ceiling of the bungalow on pots. A swing with plant vines surrounding it looks really enchanting not too far from the bungalow. And white benches are scattered at several places around the garden, yet it is still spacious.

"Wow, this garden is nice," I twirled on the fountain. "Mr. Alfred and Mr. Albert are in charge of the garden, they sometimes hired some people to keep it managed," Sora waved at the two men listing several things on a piece of paper. "Hello Prince Sora, Prince Roxas, and who's the little princess here?" The man with moustache smiled at us. "Oh this is (Y/N)," Roxas beamed. "Nice to meet you," I curtseyed in front of them. "It's an honor, Princess," the other guy with beard chuckled. "So Mr. Alfred and Mr. Albert, you managed this garden? It's so pretty," I giggled. "Why thank you," They smiled and nodded. "We'll see you later, Misters!" Sora waved before dragging both of us to the bungalow.

"I want to try the swing!" I pointed at the alluring swing. "Let's try it while waiting for our mom and dad," Roxas suggested. We swung back and forth endlessly laughing and joking and just enjoying the breeze of a cool afternoon. "Kids! It's tea time!" Uncle Cloud announced from the bungalow. "Coming!" We hopped off the swings and ran to our destinations. "So, did you three enjoy playing together?" Mom asked. "Uhuh! I really enjoy it! They are fun to be with!" I giggled. "Oh I think in several years apart, I'll hear bells ringing!" Aunt Aerith giggled pointing at me and Sora. But sadly, the three of us were too dense and innocent to even know or care what they were talking about. It turned out to be a plan to arrange a marriage between the two of us. ........And no not me and Roxas,

but me and Sora. 

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