Chapter 4

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Snow's pov

My dress was beautiful and my hair amazing. My dress was a light shade of blue on my hips and was faded into a darker shade of blue at the ends. My crown still showing and my hair was up with two strands of hair down curled.

"Wow these maids know wow to make a girl beautiful." The queen said I turned. "Why thank you your highness." I said.

"Mitch his down stairs looking for you." She said

"Is everyone here?" I asked

"Yes everyone is here and frankly Mitch has been surrounded by girls all evening." The Queen said I felt a bit of anger inside me but I shook it off.

"Your angry my dear so you must be jealous about the girls asking Mitch to dance." The Queen said.
I nodded and she smiled.

"Well then go down there show them girls who Mitch really loves." The queen said I walked down the stairs and onto the big balcony that over looked the main room. I saw Mitch bowing his head and girls and trying not to be rude. I saw him look at me and smile. He excused himself from a group of girls and I started walking down the stairs.

I was half way and was Mitch standing there with and amazed look. He held out his hand and I walked over to it bowing my head. And he did the same.

"You look a-amazing I mean beautiful." He said I giggled

"You look pretty handsome yourself." I said "May I ask you for a dance?" Mitch asked I didn't say anything I started to get worried.

"What's wrong?" He asked

"I-i don't know how." I confessed Mitch smiled "it's ok I'll teach you how." And lead me to the floor.

He grabbed my waist and my left hand. I put my right on his shoulder.

"Ok it's not really hard but just fallow my steps ok?" He asked I nodded we first started dance but I stepped on his foot a dozen times and tripped. I looked up and suspected to see angry but I saw him smiling. I felt less worried and realized that he doesn't care what people think of us all he cares about is me having fun. I started to flow with him and we started dancing to the music of the orchestra. Mitch spind me around and pulled me in closer to him with the music stopping and everyone clapping.

"Snow come with me I want to show you something." Mitch said I nodded and we walked outside with the stars above us and the moon full. Mitch grabbed my hand and walked me towards and bench and pulled out a necklace with a blue gem in the shape of a heart surrounded my silver.

"Mitch it's beautiful you didn't have to get me this." I said

"Turn around I want to see how it looks on your." Mitch said I turned and Mitch put on necklace and I turned back facing him.

"You look beautiful even without the necklace and the dress." He said I blushed.

"Snow I've been meaning to ask you this but ever since I saw you. I started to think that maybe true love does exist and. I wanted to show you that yes I do care for you. So will you be the one and only who stands next to me for the throne. To be my queen and raised our Kingdom together." He said

"Mitch I would be honored to be your queen and raised this kingdom together." I said Mitch smiled and hugged me close and we pulled into a kiss. It was short and sweet but I was filled with love.

Just then we hears horns play and the anoucer yelled. "THE KING HAS ARRIVED!" everyone bowed Mitch and I rushed up to the king. The king looked at me with disgusted.

"What's a filthy hybrid doing in my kingdom?" He asked

"Father she's my lover and she is nothing like you say." Mitch said the kingdom looked at his main guard and nodded his head. Then guards came out and pointed there wepons at me and put a leash on me made out of chains.

"FATHER LET HER GO!!!!" Mitch shouted and ran towards me but the guards pushed him back.

"SON YOU CAN'T MARRY A HYBRID IT'S THE LAW AND YOU MUST OBEY IT!!!" the king shouted Mitch started to cry and pulled out his sword "YOU CAN'T SEPARATE TRUE LOVE I LOVER HER FATHER I'M BEGINNING YOU LET HER GO!!!!" Mitch shouted the king shook his head and walked over to me he grabbed my ear and pulled it making me screamed and cry he let go and pulled out his wip and struck me making me screamed.

"STOP IT YOUR HURTING HER!!!!" the queen yelled

"I DON'T CARE TAKE HER TO THE DUNGEON AND LEAVE HER THERE TO ROT!" the king shouted they pulled the chains and I was dragged to the dungeon I looked at Mitch and he ran to me but guards tackled him down he looked at me and I started to cry and saw him disappeare from a door.

"Can't you believe that boy would fall in love with a hybrid." A guard said. I didn't say anything I was thrown in a cell and was chained to a wall.

"Hahaha now your a chained up like a dog." The guards laughed and I sobbed.

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