Chapter 90: Caulifla vs Granolah

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Caulifla: You should know, I have experience with fusion and clones, your shitty techniques won't work against me!

Granolah: There's no need for any of that. I used the clone to save my strength because my ultimate goal is to kill your boss, Frieza.

Caulifla: You actually think we work for that lizard-tailed freak!? As far as I'm concerned, he's one of our foes.

Granolah broke into laughter

Caulifla: What? Did I say something funny?!

Granolah: You'd betray your own boss to beg for your life? You Saiyans are pathetic!

Caulifla: Damn, you're an even bigger idiot than Cabba. Did you even listen to a word I said?!

Granolah turned away

Oatmeel: Hey, Granolah. Do you not find it strange? The other Saiyan also asserted that they are not an evildoer

Granolah: They're just trying to save their own skins.

Caulifla: Who're you talking to? Got an imaginary friend or something? Think what you want, but know that I'm not from this universe, and Y/N wasn't even born when the Saiyans invaded this planet, we had nothing to do with this!

Granolah: Another universe? You Saiyans are more delusional than I thought. Be that as it may, I will have my revenge against ALL Saiyans

Caulifla: I tried being reasonable, but if you won't listen, why should I hold back?!

Caulifla powered up to Super Saiyan God, placing her hands on the ground. Using her new Hakai abilities, she launched several rocks into the air around Granolah and destroyed each of them. Granolah flew up high, avoiding the impact

Granolah: I see. Your destructive power is lacking, so you make up for it with quantity.

Granolah lands behind Caulifla, who smirks

Caulifla: *chuckles* What, does that hit too close to home or something? Is all this power compensating for something, Granolah?

Granolah: Allow me to illustrate the gulf between us, and maybe that'll shut you up!

Granolah lifted a massive rock into the air and destroyed it, the explosion sending Caulifla flying. Granolah dashed forward, driving his fist into Caulifla's stomach, nearly going right through. Caulifla stumbled back, falling to her knees as blood poured from where Granolah made contact

Granolah: Hurts, doesn't it, murderer?

Granolah walked over to Caulifla, kicking her upside the head

Granolah: What? Got no more smartass quips left for me?

Caulifla: GRR...

Caulifla stood up, blue lightning crackling around her.

Granolah: What's all this?


Caulifla roared in anger, pushing Granolah back slightly as a blue aura began to form around her. The smoke faded and Caulifla dawned the power of Super Saiyan Blue

 The smoke faded and Caulifla dawned the power of Super Saiyan Blue

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