Chapter 42: Meeting Zamasu

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Beerus, Whis, Caulifla, and I flew through the cosmos

Y/N: What is the plan, Whis?

Whis: Your grandfather, Bardock seems to claim that Zamasu is the one behind his turn. We will meet with him and his master Gowasu. I must ask you to play it cool, we are trusting the word of a voice in your head, Y/N, lay low, don't say anything unless spoken to, and no sudden movements.

Y/N: I understand, sir... Whis.

Whis: Hmm?

Y/N: If we are able to free Bardock of Zamasu's control, what happens to him?

Whis was silent for the moment

Whis: Bardock clearly isn't from Trunk's timeline. In the "Sacred Timeline", Bardock was killed at the hands of Frieza, trying to save Planet Vegeta, several decades before where Trunks is from. Clearly, if Zamasu is behind this, he manipulated time to capture Bardock and take him to Trunks' present. If you manage to free Bardock from that mask he wears, he will either stay in Trunks' time or stays in this time.

Y/N: Is there a way we could send him back to his

Whis: Possibly, but need I remind you, it is highly forbidden to manipulate time in such a way. The only ones who could possibly do this are the Grand Priest and Grand Zeno, though they both won't be happy that such actions are being done

I nod slightly, still worried about Bardock.


Gowasu took a sip of tea given to him by a green-skinned, white-haired Kai named Zamasu.

Zamasu: Master, there is something I've wanted to ask you that's been weighing on my mind recently

Gowasu: Go on, tell me.

Zamasu: These mortals we watch. Are they creatures truly worthy of our protection, sir? With respect, I've observed more mortal dealings than I care to count. They thrive, quarrel, and perish, all on an endless loop. And it seems to me for them to keep doing this is the height of futility. 

Gowasu: Ah. That is the path mortals must take.

Zamasu stood up

Zamasu: What sense does it make for us to protect those flawed beings when they persistently make the same tragic mistakes? Would it not be more merciful on our part to put a halt to their hopeless cycles once and for all?!

Gowasu: The role of the Supreme Kai, and all other Kais, is creation. We are not meant to have a direct hand in our creation's affairs if we can avoid it. You do understand that, don't you?

Zamasu: So, you would have me do nothing, and just ignore the mortals' perpetual folly?

Gowasu: No, no. We don't simply ignore the mortals. We watch over and nurture them. That is the position in which we find ourselves. Only one among us is permitted to directly interfere with their kind. That's the destroyer

Zamasu gasped quietly at the words spoken. 

Gowasu: I want you to listen to me, Zamasu. Always remember where your place is. And make an effort to get to know mortals better. Is that understood?

Zamasu hesitated

Zamasu: Y-yes... Huh?

Zamasu turns as he hears Lord Beerus and Whis enter the Tenth Universe

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