Chapter 56: The Strange New Power

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Caulifla and I barge into my house and quickly run to get dressed in our regular fighting clothes

Caulifla: So, what would that tyrant want now?

Y/N: Could be one of a million things. Could be he wants to thank us for bringing him into the Tournament of Power, could be he wants to apologize for being an asshole.. could be he wants to kill all of us and then destroy Earth.

Caulifla: I'll guess it's the third one

Y/N: Yeah...

I put on my gi as Caulifla gets into her traditional magenta tube top and purple baggy pants. We put our wedding clothes away carefully before running outside, both Father and Vegeta outside waiting for us

Y/N: Father? Vegeta?

Goku: Let's go! We've tracked Frieza's ship to the Arctic!

Y/N: The Arctic?!

Vegeta: Yeah, you'll need these

Vegeta throws both Caulifla and me winter jackets, mine was an orange color and Caulifla's was a magenta that matched her top. Suddenly, Bulma landed down with a ship, I spot Whis already on the ship

Bulma: Hop on in, you two newlyweds!

Caulifla, Father, Vegeta, and I all pile into Bulma's ship. We set off in the direction of Frieza.

Goku: Hey, Bulma! I've been wondering. Why were you collecting the Dragon Balls anyway?

Bulma: T-that's none of your business...

Goku: Come on! Tell us!

Bulma sighed in annoyance

Bulma: I was going to make myself look younger... by like... five years

Goku: You we're gonna summon Shenron just because you look so old?!


Caulifla laughs a little to herself as Father sits back down.


Frieza's ship hovered over the Arctic as his men searched for the final Dragon Ball. Frieza chuckled to himself as Kikono entered the room

Kikono: Lord Frieza, not only did Vegeta's wife have the Dragon Radar, but she already collected six of the Dragon Balls!

Frieza: Well, that is truly marvelous news, Kikono.

Kikono: So, shall we finally land down and collect your treasure?!

Frieza: Not yet, we'll wait until the Seventh Dragon Ball is irreversibly ours! It would be foolish to rush there and arrive too early. Even without scouters, they can tell if a high battle power is approaching their planet

Kikono: O-of course..

Frieza: And you've already written down how to make the wish?

Kikono: That's right. And in great detail! O-oh.. and by the way-

Frieza: Oh, out with it! What do you wish to ask me?

Kikono: N-nothing.. since we are so close to collecting the Dragon Balls, would you give me a hint as to what wise wish you'll be making once we collect them all? Will it be to wish for an immortal body like you've mentioned to us before?

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