Chapter 86: The Greatest Warrior

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Toronbo: Greatest Warrior in the Universe. So you wish to become the most powerful life-form apart from the gods themselves.

Granolah: Yes! Can you do it? Can you make me the greatest warrior in the universe?!

Toronbo: It is possible to make you stronger than you already are... but I cannot increase your power beyond your latent potential.

Granolah: Does that mean I can't?!

Toronbo: Correct. That is beyond your reach

Granolah's shoulders slumped in defeat

Granolah: Dammit... Then there's no point.

Toronbo: However... It is possible for you to become the strongest... If you agree to a certain condition. But that decision is up to you.

Granolah: If it'll make me stronger than Frieza, and anyone else who opposes me... THEN I WILL DO IT! WHATEVER IT TAKES!


On Beerus' world, Caulifla held a rock in the palm of her hand, struggling to call upon the power of Hakai. Caulifla shouted as she destroyed the rock. Caulifla sighed in annoyance

Caulifla: *sighs* Dammit!

Beerus: All you did was break it with a regular ki blast. When we gods use Hakai, the target is completely erased from existence. As you have observed before in the Tournament of Power, Top, he turned something into nothing with its power. And when matter is destroyed, it releases heaps of energy.

Beerus picked up a rock and balanced it on his fingernail before destroying it, pushing Caulifla back a bit

Caulifla: Wow... All that from destroying that small rock?!

Beerus: The explosion's the real highlight of using Hakai, it never gets old.

Caulifla: You're telling me.

I observe the training from a distance.

Y/N: Caulifla is really training with Beerus?

Whis: Is that a problem?

Y/N: Nope. Caulifla can make her own choices, I can't tell her what to do, she's her own woman. I'm just shocked Beerus would agree to that.

I sit down, crossing my legs

Y/N: I'm happy Caulifla is training with Beerus. We can both train in different ways, and see who can become the strongest in the universe!

Whis: I see... Keep in mind the strongest may in fact turn out to be someone else entirely

Y/N: Huh? Do you know someone stronger than us?

Whis: Not specifically. But given the scope of the universe, who can say when the next powerful entity will appear? Isn't that right, Oracle Fish?

Oracle Fish: Huh? Oh. Sure. *yawns* The strongest in the universe will soon rise up-

Caulifla: And that'll be me!

Oracle Fish: Caulifla?

Caulifla picked up a tiny pebble, balancing it on her finger, and managed to summon a small amount of Hakai, destroying the pebble. The force of the destruction blasted Oracle Fish backward, Whis catching him out of mid-air

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