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Ever since their little fight over Gavi's alleged girlfriend, Pedri had been on a mission to give Gavi maximum pleasure. He always asked what Gavi wanted, then gave him exactly that, often over and over until Gavi was reduced to a shaking, moaning, twitching, ecstatic mess, too weak to even walk to the bathroom. Now that Gavi knew everything Pedri had done, and having forgiven him, the older boy couldn't get enough of his junior. And he told Gavi that every day.

If Pedri had the ulterior motive of making sure Gavi would have no energy left to pursue anyone else... Well, who could blame him? No one knew for sure what their relationship was, so he couldn't very well claim Gavi publicly, not now when he just got him back.

Since that weekend, Gavi had also been better at communicating what he wanted, and sometimes taking what he wanted. True to his word, Gavi had no interest in fighting with Pedri again, but riding Pedri to screaming, mutual orgasms had become Gavi's favourite sport.

About a week after their life changing weekend, Gavi was back on the football field and back to his old self to the delight of his team mates. That he was looking his usual happy self just when Pedri had come back to playthe games didn't go unnoticed.

"So, your boyfriend is back?" came the teasing question when they saw Pedri approach, but Gavi didn't catch who said it.

Gavi  stiffened. He had been teased about Pedri before by his team members, and he had heard the rumors that were rife at the team , but he had never admitted to anything when questioned. Now... he saw the vulnerable look on Pedri's face, there for a fleeting moment and then gone, when he started to hand out drinks for everyone. He knew Pedri wanted them to be out in the open, but Gavi hadn't been ready. He braced himself, and reached out to grasp Pedri's hand.

"Yes, he is." Gavi's simple statement rocked everyone.

"Shit, really?!"  Alonso exclaimed.

"About time,"  Bellerin muttered, and the rest was mostly lost in the general , but Bellerin could just make out someone wondering what on earth Pedri  saw in their goofy teammate.

And Pedri... The look on his face, part shocked disbelief, part rapture, broke Gavi's heart and before he knew it, he had pulled Pedri's to his side and kissed him full on the lips. "Yes, really."

For the first time in his life, Pedri was speechless, and he simply put his head on Gavi's shoulder and closed his eyes, quite content to stand there forever.

"Cool," Marcos just said, and the others looked wide eyed from Gavi's awkward red face to the exposed heart on Pedri's, and then to the warning on Hector's face, and as one, they changed the topic.

Gavi finished his team  duties with the uncharacteristically silent Pedri at his side, and let the others head to the changing rooms first. He didn't quite know what to do, it was a completely new situation for him.

"Erm... Pedri..." Gavi said, his voice soft. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, gavi... Just too happy for words."

Gavi blushed again, and then lifted the towel he had in his hand. "You've got my sweat on your face," he murmured and wiped his face gently, and Pedri thought he would simply die.

They stood there for a while longer, until Gavi's loudly gurgling tummy told them it was time for him to hit the showers and then get something to eat.

"I'll wait in the car, ..." Pedri said, finally coming a little back to himself. He raised his head and stroked Gavi's sweaty face like it was a precious jewel. "Thank you, baby..."

Gavi spluttered a little, and practically ran to the showers, leaving the now sweetly smiling Pedri to trail him to the car. By the time Gavi made it back to the car, Pedri had come up with a half a dozen ways to shower his boyfriend with his love, and he headed home, determined to try them all.

Hours later, they were lying in bed, limp from their latest round, Pedri's hand stroking Gavi's face, listening to his heartbeat slow down from its frantic pace. "Have I ever told you how beautiful you look like this, after we've made love?"

Gavi blushed and shifted, wincing a little from the welcome soreness in his ass. Pedri had pounced on him when they got to the condo, and it had gotten a little out of hand. Gavi had begged Pedri for more over and over, and now he was paying the sweet price. He was still uncomfortable with Pedri's sweet talking, but he had to admit it felt good, too.

"No..." he whispered.

Your face is used , and sweaty," Pedri murmured, using his lips and tongue to magic the sweat away. "Your eyes can barely keep open, and your lips... baby, you have the sexiest lips I've ever seen." His finger now traced them." And when they're swollen and red and wet like this.... makes my heart swell." Pedri pulled Gavi's face to him and his tongue licked slowly from one corner of his mouth, along the plump lower lip, then up and back along the sexy cupid's bow of his upper lip. Gavi moaned, and Pedri rewarded him by licking further inward, Gavi's lips parting eagerly to give entry. Pedri's breathing sped up, and he sucked Pedri's upper lip in his mouth, licking it hungrily inside his mouth, and then swapped it for the lower lip, sucking and licking, until again plunging his tongue deep inside Pedri's mouth. Pedri's kisses were out of this world, and Gavi couldn't help his soft moans of bliss.

"I love kissing you," Pedri said, and dove right back in. Gavi had no notion of the time, lost in a world between his boyfriend's lips, his tongue his only guide. If ever he doubted that Pedri really loved him, like fleetingly at the football field earlier, all he needed was for Pedri to kiss him like this, and his doubts would vanish. They both still had these moments of doubt and insecurity, but as he had promised, Pedri would always tell Gavi if he felt any urge to get back to his old ways. It humbled Gavi to understand how insecure this young, rich, gorgeous young man was about his love, and he kissed him now back tenderly, his heart beating to the same rhythm as Pedri's.

"You taste so good, baby'," Pedri murmured. "I want to eat you everywhere."

"Yes, daddy..."

It was all the invitation Pedri needed, and he spent the next hour showering love on his now official boyfriend. Pedri was drunk on the feel of Gavi's skin, and his hungry mouth explored him everywhere savouring each new scent and taste like a connoisseur.

"How do you feel here?" Pedri asked, when his mouth reached Gavi's ass.

"Sore," Gavi admitted. "We've made love so many times, it's a little sore."

"Oh, baby, let me make it better," Pedri cooed, and set up camp between his ass cheeks, and got lost there.

Pedri's tongue on his sore hole was heavenly bliss. Gavi gasped with pleasure as it soothed him, each lick and suck like balm on his aching hole. He felt shameless, indulging himself like this, but from the moans Pedri was humming into his ass, he could tell Pedri was more than willing. He let Pedri's tongue pleasure him until he couldn't take it anymore.

"Please.... Pedri, I want you inside me."

"You will get sore again if I do."

"I don't care, I feel empty, I need you in there..."

Pedri took a trembling breath, and turned Gavi eagerly around. "I will be gentle," Pedri promised, "and if you want, I will lick you better again afterward."

Pedri's words took Gavi 's breath away. "You will?"

"Whenever you want," Pedri promised, and started to push into Gavi's exquisite heat slowly, watching Gavi's face for signs of any discomfort.

Gavi hissed, but spread his legs eagerly to let Pedri in all the way. "Yes... so hard... so hot..."

They made love slowly, Pedri holding Gavi tightly under him, and he resumed his kissing. That's why he had wanted to turn Gavi around, he needed his lips again. Pedri's eyes spilled from the feelings and his surging emotions, and he held Gavi close, rocking them both slowly into a sweet climax.

Too tired to clean up the bed both decided to daze off after their tiring love making.

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