13. lit club! 🤓 | Dandy Diaries

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Dandy Diaries
Ep. 1: Monika!
Hi! my name is dandy mott and i am so excited to share with you my new creation... dandy diaries! yay! 😊

Dandy POV:
I am so bored. i need to do something with my life while eddie is in law school, my father abandoned me, i've completely forgotten about tamaki (oops? 😒), markiplier is STILL in jail???

Oh! 💡
I know what to do! I need to join a club! but which one.... hmmm.

suddenly a girl was in front of me

"hey dandy do you want to join this club im in?"

who tf is this girl?? i've never seen her in my life. but wow she has a calming presence. i hope hee mental health is doing ok 😞

"who are you?" i replied

"sayori?? you're bff??"

is this a dream? please pinch me i'm so confused.

"um excuse me? i don't know you." i was angry at this point obvi.

but then i realized she asked me to join a club and that's just what i wanted to do so i guess i'll go along with it?? 😒

"ohhh you right bff! i totally forgot for a sec! oopsie doopsies!" i smiled so big and beautiful! 😁 (so she would want me in her club even more)

ok so anyways boring stuff and then we got to this classroom and i was so nervous!

i walked in

why is everyone in this room 2D??? i was so confused

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why is everyone in this room 2D??? i was so confused. but anywho i guess i should introduce myself even though i'm a little scared because these girls seem kind of creepy.

"hello. i am dandy mott." i said to everyone at once.

"so nice to meet you dandy mott! my name is monika! 😊"

wow. i couldn't believe my eyes. this was the most amazing person i had ever set my two little beady eyes on. speaking of, my eyes almost popped out of my head!! 🤣🤣 i was in a trance i couldn't even hear everyone else introduce themselves and get started on their work! LOL! i'm silly like that sometimes ☺️

"dandy? is everything alright?" i awoke from my trance to see monika standing in front of me looking concerned.

i could see our whole future together as i looked into hee eyes. woah! it was a little scary ti say the least! haha! 😂 but who am i to judge? 😇😝

"yes everything is great! i'm so excited for the poetry reading!" i replied. she looked confused.

"i'm sorry... what poetry reading?? 🤣🤣"

oh shucks! i said too much! i have to get out of here!!

i ran as quickly as i could out of the classroom.

you're a freak! | dandy mott x eddie munsonWhere stories live. Discover now