7. youre a freaking freak!

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the hellfire club hasn't been the same since debby ryan joined

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the hellfire club hasn't been the same since debby ryan joined. she really didn't fit in the group.

"debby do you not know how to roll dice?" dandy squeaked.

"obvi i know how to roll dice idiot. i just don't want to. i don't want to fight this demogorgan dude. i kinda feel bad for him."

"roll the damn dice!" ma petite screamed

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"roll the damn dice!" ma petite screamed.

debby was frightened.

after the campaign ended and debby left, the hellfire club needed to chat.

"guys i think we should recruit the twins." dustin spoke.

"no." dandy said flatly.

"i know some people that would play." billy loomis spoke in a creepy weird greasy way.

"wash your hair and iron your shirt before you speak." dandy said to him.

eddie laughed.

everyone in this group (except ma petite and dustin) is terrifying so they all stayed silent like the little psychos they are.

"well it's a school night i need to get back to my house." dandy sighed and stood from his chair.

again no one said anything (they really are freaks🙄)

eddie walked dandy to his car.

"once markiplier gets out of jail he could join. or i guess we could ask matpat? oh! i know! i have made so many friends at school i'll ask them!" dandy spoke quickly.

eddie looked sad as always.

"what's wrong edward?"

"i just feel like you have so many new friends you don't even need me anymore."

"oh shut up!"

eddie stared at him and was frozen like a deer in headlights.

dandy laughed and got into his car.

"goodnight eddie!"

eddie waved to him, still kinda scared dandy might pull out a knife.

at the mott house

dandy was on his bed giggling at markiplier x dandy edits he made when suddenly the tele rang.



"who is this?" dandy asked.


"eddie! is that you?" dandy laughed into the phone.

"no you little freak. who is eddie?"

dandy stood nervously pigeon toed.

"haha good one eddie. i'll see you tomorrow." dandy went to hang up the phone.


dandy quickly put the back to his ear.

"you wouldn't dare kill him."

the person on the other end just laughed like a creepy psycho freak.

"what do you want?"


"i thought you didn't know who eddie was?"

"i lied."

"what do you want with him?"

"i am in love with eddie. but he likes you. how could he like a little freak like you?"

dandy scoffed.

"who is this?"

"why would i tell you?"

dandy was annoyed. even more annoyed then he was when markiplier was arrested for murdering someone.

"fine. you can have him if you leave me alone!"

the person hung up.

dandy then called eddie.


"dandy? why are you calling me?"

"eddie, i think you should leave the freakshow and come back to highschool with me! 😁"

"really?! that sounds great dandy! i'm so excited!"

"omg eddie i am so excited! we don't ever have to see all those little freaks again! we can start a new hellfire club at our school!"

"oh- uh yeah i guess."

"alright ed i'll see you tomorrow!"

you're a freak! | dandy mott x eddie munsonWhere stories live. Discover now