Always and Forever

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Josh's POV

I woke up with Y/n in my arms snoozing. I got up and tried my absolute hardest to not wake her up, which I completely failed, and she woke up. Honestly I am so happy she did because I would bored out of my peanut ass mind if she didn't.

"I know you didn't just wake me up you bumb ass hoe." Y/n said tiredly.

"Lol, I gotta go pee sooooo." I replied bluntly.

"You know what my dream was about?" Y/n asked me.

"What was it about, I don't really care, but I guess i'll ask." I say jokingly.

"It was about you but since you're obviously not interested I guesssss-" Y/n says before I interrupt her.

" No wait! I wanna know, because i'm very interested!" I say making her laugh.

"It was about you and me." Y/n says

"Me and you?" I asked.

"Always and forever." She said with I light smile.

"Always and forever." I repeat.

_______________The End_______________

I wanna thank everyone for reading this story! I love you all!           Signed-❤️Kk

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