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Josh's POV

"Nope! I'm not doing it!" Y/n yells

"Fine! Than I won't buy you any more cookies and cream ice cream! And when we get home you can't use the fluffy blanket you like!" I threaten her so she'll just do it.

"Fine!!! I'll do it! But you gotta buy me two tubs of cookies and cream ice cream!" She tells me.

I look at Fraser and he nods in agreement.

"Ok, deal." I say

"You boys are getting way too old for baby sitting." Carol says making Y/n laugh.

Me and Fraser run to the couch, grab two big pillows, and sit on the back of the couch cuddling the pillows we were holding.

"So how are we gonna do this?" Y/n asks Carol.

"Ok I'll unbutton my shirt all the way but hold it together, than on three you take off your top, and I'll flash them." Carol tells her the plan.

"Ok I guess." Y/n says shrugging

"On 3." Carol says.


Coral opened her unbuttoned shirt revealing her in a white cotton bra, and Y/n took her top off revealing her in a red lace bra that kinda turned me on not gonna lie..... ANYWAYS

After about 3 milliseconds me and Fraser flipped backwards on the couch and were cheering like little kids.

Carol buttoned her shirt back up and walked away with Y/n exceptY/n still had her top off.

A few seconds later Y/n came back into the sitting room with us, still topless. I was getting turned on so I had to say something.

"Why don't you have your top on still?" I asked her.

"I don't know. I'm more comfortable without it." She replies.

"I mean I'm cool with it. I like you in your bra better anyways." Fraser said looking her up and down.

"I don't mind either." I say shrugging my shoulders with a smirk on my face.

We started having a pillow fight and it was really fun.

I was standing in front of Y/n and Fraser hit me in my back with a pillow making me fall on Y/n and pin her on the couch.

I smirked and puckered my lips trying to playfully kiss her because I know she hates when I do it. When I lead in she quickly turned her head making me miss her mouth and kiss her cheek. I wasn't complaining though.

Fraser hit me in the back of the head with a pillow while I was still kissing   Y/n on the cheek.

I quickly turned around and hit him back but harder making him fall to the ground.

I turned back to Y/n seeing that she stood up and was standing there with her hands on her hips.

"So where were we?" I asked causing all three of us to laugh.

That's when Carol came in.

"WHO TURNED ON THE OVEN?!?" She yells at us

"It wasn't me." Fraser says

"Me either." I say

"And it sure wasn't me." Y/n says last

"I know y'all did it!" Carol yells at us.

"No we didn't!" Y/n says defending us.

"Ugh yeah right! You know what?!? Go do the dishes, all of you!" Carol says still believing we turned on the oven.

"We didn't even do it!" Y/n says not dropping the conversation.

"I said dishes, now!" Carol says pointing to the kitchen.

"Ugh!" Y/n says getting up and flopping on the floor.

I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder so we wouldn't get into any mor trouble and started walking to the kitchen while Carol walked to the dining room which is basically just another kitchen.

I put Y/n Dow on the table beside the sink and started washing dishes with Fraser mean while she was just pouting.

When we were done with the dishes we walked to the dining room to tell Coral we were done. But when we got there we found her body on the floor dead.

678 words

           Damn everyone is dying

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