Part 7

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Leah texts Johnny and says " I don't know if you forgot who I am or what I can do, but don't play with me!" I look at him and ask "So what are you going to do?"
"I'm going to call my lawyer in the morning. I'm going to send my cousin Roger to the hospital to check on my son. And I want to have a talk with Ms. Sandra to get to the bottom of what she told you."
I don't respond. I just turn on the tv and lay down on my pillow. Johnny puts his arms around me. "Cat, I've never had real love from a woman before, not even my own mother. The only person I feel like loved me sincerely was my grandmother, and I barely remember her. When she died I was 9. I remember some things, but it was so long ago. So much went on around that time. So much has went on my whole life, and it scarred me. When I had my son I said I never wanted him to grow up like I did, feeling unwanted and alone. I wanted him to have his mother and father. I just wished she wasn't the mother, but I know I can't change that. I just want him safe with me. Leah is sick in her mind, and she doesn't have good intentions for anyone not even her own child."
I look at Johnny. "I believe it's all going to work out just get some rest, and worry about tomorrow when tomorrow comes."
Johnny smiles, and texts his cousin Roger and tells him about going to the hospital tomorrow, and his cousin agrees to go. Johnny tells me Roger is his first cousin and even though he is gay he is probably his best friend. They grew up with absent mothers and fathers so a lot of the time Johnny had to to look out for his cousin because people would try to bully him. I'm listening to Johnny taking in everything he's saying. He stops and looks at me. "You know Cat you never told me much about you. I know a lot has been going on with me, but you never talk about your family or how you grew up or anything. I freeze because I don't want to talk about my past or how I grew up. "Well there isn't much to tell you Johnny my mom gave up her parental rights when I was 5, and my dad raised me alone until I was 10, and that's when he met my step mom. I am an only child. I consider April to be my sister."
"Okay Cat, I'll take that, that's a start."
I didn't want to tell Johnny too much about me because he could be gone tomorrow. I vowed to myself to never let another man do me any kind of way.
Johnny and I fall sleep. When I wake up the next morning he is gone. There is a note on the table. "You are so beautiful when you sleep. I'm going to talk to the lawyer. Call me when you wake up."
Its 9:00 AM, and I have to return to work from my leave of absence tomorrow. I am dreading it, but I get out of bed to brush my teeth, and call for Troy and April of course the guest room is empty and they are gone. I call Johnny and put him on speaker phone. "Hello?"
Hey Johnny what did your lawyer say?
"He said that they have to evidence against me, and since you have camera footage and I took the picture of my soon when I arrived to Leah's moms house then everything should be good because the evidence is time stamped."
"Okay that's good well I'm going to head out for some fresh air. Call me later?"
Johnny agrees "I'm about to go to my cousins house so he can tell me what they are saying about my son. I'll call you later."
We hang up. I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason even if you do not know the reason at the current time it will eventually reveal itself. I feel like Johnny came into my life at the right time for me, but the wrong time for him. My plan today is to do a little self care. I'm going to the nail salon, get a new outfit for the office tomorrow, and just unwind.
I clean up the kitchen and living room while listening to some music. To me, being uninterrupted is top tier. I love me time and I believe everyone deserves me time.
I finish cleaning, and I step inside the shower. As soon as my body hits the water my phone dings. I disregard the message and say that I will check it when I get out of the shower.
Once I finish showering I check the message it's Johnny of course. The message says, "I'm going to pay Leah's "uncle" a visit to see what he knows. I want to know are they really screwing."
I sit my phone back on the counter because I am puzzled. If you have no interest in Leah, then why would that matter to you. I don't respond. Today shall be peaceful. I'm tired of being a counselor, and honestly this is the most I have been in my feelings in months!
I get dressed, curl my hair and I'm out the door. The nail salon is on the other side of town, so I stop for food first. April calls me. "Cat! Have you seen the news?" I tell her no I'm not home. She says that the breaking news said "Local deputy was just shot to death!" I felt my legs get weak, what? What are you saying April? The deputy is Leah's uncle. "Where's Johnny?" She asks.
I hang up in her face.

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