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Story Time: Cat & Johnny
Part 2
(Completely original by Briaa Marie)

So we make it home and Johnny texts me "just send me your location and I'm going to get dropped off wherever you are!" I text back and say "nah" because I've snapped back to reality. "Come on Cat please it's just me. I just wanna talk man." I don't reply because I mean why he wanna see me so bad and where is big foot. My homegirl looks at me and says "Troy is on his way so we can sit here until he comes." We lock the door and I pull my pistol from under my seat and sit it on my lap.

"Cat I think you need to just leave his ass alone." I cut her off and begin to tell her about how Quesha told me she'd kill me in Waffle House.. Her eyes are bucked and she just like "oh hell no! Block his number!" I'm like okay but he so fine but I do what I know is right and I block his number, no warning. 15 mins later I receive a blocked call. I know it's him so I don't answer, and Troy is pulling up. By this time it's 2 am and I'm tired! Troy and April (my homegirl) have this weird relationship where they aren't affectionate in front of people. I mean they hug but that's about it, but I know one thing she loves herself some Troy!
My phone rings again and you guessed it. It's a blocked call. I answer stupidly! "Hello?"
"Damn Cat you blocked my number? I guess you done with me before we ever got started huh?" "I don't have to deal with you or this Johnny I don't even know you honestly and your baby momma said she gone kill me" "she said what?" "You heard me she said she was gone kill me!"
Troy, April and I are walking in the house.
"What the fuck ? Where you at Cat?" "I'm at home. Why?" "Go inside and lock the door and send me your address." "Why what's wrong?" "Just do it baby." "Look Johnny I ain't hiding from her or nobody else!" "I don't want you to scared baby but there is some things you don't know. Quesha has done some bad things in her life and I don't want her to hurt you."

I'm sitting there puzzled. Oh no if she try to hurt me we both will be bleeding. "Ok Johnny. I'll send you my location." We hang up. As I sit down my purse, I hear a knock at the door. There's no way this is Johnny I just sent him my location. Troy answers the door. "Who is it?" No one answers . I look my nosey ass out the window and guess who? Big Foot Quesha! How does she know where I live? I signal Troy! He opens the door fast and points his 9 right in her face. Do you know that crazy girl started laughing? I got my pistol in my hand too I text Johnny in all caps "YO CRAZY ASS BABY MOMMA ON MY DOORSTEP WHY? HOW? And I got big fire for her and you if you thought this was a set up!"
I'm waiting on Johnny to pull up. Quesha stops laughing she tells Troy "I just came to talk.. To Catheryn" I'm literally shocked asking myself How does she know my real name? I'm sitting here trying to recollect if I've ever came into contact with her but I'm blank. I step around the corner. "What you want and how you know where I live?" She smiles like a mad person "You see I was trying to be nice.." I cut her off.. "Look I'm about to call the cops." Troy still got the 9 on her. "That's fine I'm not going anywhere and I know Johnny on his way." Im baffled, and I call the cops..

"You're crazy. All this for a dude that don't want you?"  I say boldly. She smiles. "He will always wants me. He is mine and I am his.
"Ok you got it my girl, I'll leave him alone. It ain't this serious bout no dick!" I already dialed 911 on my phone. I was waiting on her reply to see if calling them was necessary. "You see. It's deeper than dick. Johnny is my soul mate, but yes that's mine and he is mine." She has a crazed look on her face. I'm thinking to myself, this is confirmation on the voodoo dick.
"Ok Quesha. I'm done talking. He's yours! You're right." You see I am not a punk or anything but I've never met someone so crazy especially about a man. She acts as if he's the only man on Earth. And then I'm still trying to figure out how she knows where I live like who told her ? Did Johnny tell her? Where did these people come from (her and Johnny) and why? She says "me and Johnny have been through this before I know that he's on his way over here so I'll just wait until he arrives". "And my name isn't Quesha, it's Leah." I'm sitting here looking at her like girl just go home, both of y'all! By this time I know she's crazy because how are yo two different people like are you Leah or Quesha?
Troy interrupts "look I'm really not trying to disrespect you, but you just can't pop up at a persons house especially not over a dude! She said you can have him! I mean what else is there to say why are you still here, especially with this 9 in your face!" She gives him a blank look "it's not the first time I've had a gun pointed at me and I'm sure it won't be the last. I'm not afraid of you or your little gun" she says boldly. By this time I see headlights coming around the corner. It's a black Tahoe all black everything, I don't recognize the truck but she does. "Here comes bae now!" She exclaims. Weird how she is still calling him bae.
Johnny gets out of the truck and he looks like he's about to go off! "Quesha man what the fuck? You really went this far?" I interrupt before she can answer. "Johnny she can have you because I didn't ask for any of this I don't know why she's here and if she is going to be doing all of this I don't know why you are here!" He doesn't even reply to her we lock eyes. His eyes look like they are watery and it's scary. I'm thinking to myself like no way he is about to cry. "I am tired of you trying to ruin my life Quesha. Go home." Quesha laughs again.
"I'm calling the cops!" I exclaim. Johnny walks toward the door as if he is coming to me. I draw my pistol. "Wooah! Really?" He says as if in disbelief
"look the best thing for you to do is to leave and take her ass with you." I say calmly because at this point I mean business!
"I'll go but only because I don't want anyone to get hurt." Johnny says "No one will hurt you as long as I'm around" Quesha replies as if she hasnt heard anything he has told her this whole night. "Cat please don't do this." Johnny turns toward me. "Get this crazy mf off my doorstep!" I yell!
"Come on Quesha!" He yells at her, and it's like his mind flips when he talks to her vs me he is so calm. But she didn't move.. She just stood there "I'm not going anywhere. You think I'm stupid." She looks at Johnny as if she is in another trance.
"What? Yes the hell you are leaving." He tells her.
I look at both of they ass. "Y'all got one minute or I'm calling the police. You're trespassing."
"No Cat please!" Johnny pleads. "Let that little bitch call the police! I'll still be standing here." She smiles again. She is crazy and my first mind is to show her that this little bitch will cut up! But I let her make it. I call 911.

"Hello 911, what is your emergency?"
I proceed to tell the dispatcher that I have a black male and female on my doorstep who are trespassing. After asking a lot of bullshit that was unnecessary, she asked me my address and said "Someone will be out shortly." I have the phone on speaker phone so they'll know that I'm not bluffing. Its no longer fun and games and Johnny knows that, and he drops his head "Quesha please let's go please!" But once again big foot refuses. I notice I haven't seen my homegirl. I tell Troy to go check on her but he refused to leave until the cops come "She's probably sleep." I just say okay because it sounds logical. By this time the cop shows up and I'm hoping he's not a donut eating stupid question asking ass cop that is just going to give a life speech but somebody who is going to get these people off my doorstep! Troy walks to the back to look for April. Quesha turns toward the cop and starts smiling. I'm like oh yeah, she's insane. The cop comes up shining his flashlight. "Hey what's going on? We got a call about a disturbance." The cop is about 6'5 so I look up at him like "yes I called."
He asks me what's going on, and I tell him I just want them gone. He looks confused "well they aren't doing anything wrong." Johnny shakes his head. I'm like "huh? what do you mean? they are trespassing."

The cop looks at Quesha and says "niece. another one?" NIECE? "Excuse me?" I ask. "Shut the fuck up whore you've done your duty tonight!" I am baffled and for once lost for words. He has his hand for his gun. I call for Troy... But I get no reply. "Johnny what is this?" "Cat I told you not to call the cops! I knew he would come.." The cop looks at Johnny "you shut up too boy, I'm about sick of you. Who do you think you are? You didn't learn last time?" Johnny doesn't speak.
At this point I'm scared.. Last time? what happened last time? "Can't everyone just go home?" I ask. Quesha smiles. "Yes , but first you must submit."
Submit? Who? Me? What? I'm so lost and where is Troy and April! Her uncle makes me give him my pistol. I am appalled, but I comply because he's a policeman even though he is crooked.
"Unc there are others inside."
The policeman walks past me inside the apartment and he says "If there is anyone here please come out with your hands up!"
There is silence.

I see head lights coming around the corner. It's another police car with the lights on no siren. Johnny looks and says "Yes! I'm so glad someone else showed up!"
Quesha calls her uncles name. "Uncle James!" The other officer is getting out of his car just as the crooked cop is making his way out of my house back to my front door.
"Officer White! How are ya? I didn't call for any backup."
The officer responds and says "yes, but I got the same call so I was just following up it's a slow night."
"I've got it under control." Her uncle says calmly.
Johnny looks at me and I look at him.
"No he doesn't!" I was nervous, but I was not about to let these people kill me.
The officer asks me the problem. I explained how he is her uncle and I believe that this is a conflict if interest. She is trespassing, and so is he! I said as I pointed at Johnny and I would like it if they were instructed to leave.
Quesha's uncle gave me the death stare.
Officer White looked at him and said, I will handle it from here.
I felt somewhat relieved.
I started to wonder why Troy and April never came out with there hands up.
I text them in a group message "Get downstairs now!"
Quesha's uncle starts to leave.
"Can he take her with him since they are family? Can't he drop her off at home or something? I assume she was dropped off here." I ask officer White proudly.
He smirks and says I don't see why that would be a problem. Uncle James or Big Quesha don't look too happy, but they agree.
As soon as they start to leave Quesha runs toward Johnny and starts punching him in the face. He has his hands up officer White pulls his taser out. Quesha's uncle is screaming "Stop Leah!" This is so ghetto and I cannot believe my eyes. They finally tame her, and officer White instructs her uncle to take her home before she's arrested. He agrees.
Johnny's mouth is bleeding. I go to the kitchen to grab a paper towel as I'm walking through the door Troy and April are walking down the stairs. "Fine time to come out of hiding!"
April smiles. "Damn they still here?" She asks. I'm so irritated I don't respond.
When I walk outside to give Johnny the paper towel officer White asks me if I am okay now that Quesha is gone. I told him no. I would also like Johnny to leave so that she will not come back, and I will be getting a restraining order tomorrow. Johnny looked at me with the saddest eyes. "Why are you getting a restraining order on me? I came to apologize!" He pleaded. Your baby mother, wife, mental patient cannot show up here saying she's going to kill me over you, you can't show up here because she will show up here!" I exclaimed. Officer White chuckled and said well Mr. Mills you should get in your truck and head home. I will stay around here and just keep a look out for you until the morning. I smiled in relief. Johnny walks up to me and hugs me so tight. He whispers in my ear saying "I am sorry this happened." He smells so good and feels so good, but I snap out of it. Good night Johnny, be safe driving home. He agrees.

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