Part 6

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Troy and April pull up, and April uses her key to get in. In the meantime, I call the customer service company for my camera to have a technician come out tomorrow. In the meantime, I know April and Troy are better than any security cameras. I tell them about Sandra and how she said the Leah is screwing the man who she believes is her uncle. April is shocked her mouth is wide open, and she tells me to get her a glass of wine. "This shit is better than tv!" We both laugh because it definitely is a lot going on.
My phone rings, it's Johnny. My heart is beating so fast because I don't know what to say to him. "Hello?" I take a deep breath answer.
"Cat, I'm out where are you?"
"Why do you want to know where I am Johnny? I can't be in the mix up things are getting too deep!"
"I know I have to go see my son Cat. I have to."
"The police didn't tell you not to go back to the hospital because of Leah's accusations?"
"Cat, fuck the police."
I hang up on him because at this point he's talking crazy, and he probably will be back in jail. He calls me right back. I don't answer because I have had enough of the bullshit for today. April is standing close enough to me to hear what Johnny is saying before I hung up. She just shakes her head and looks at me, but I already know what she is thinking. With her being my best friend, I know that she wants to keep my best interest at heart and I appreciate her for that. I also know that I have to do what's best for me, and right now that is getting Johnny out of my system and moving on because this seems to be going nowhere fast.
Johnny calls back again and I answer.
"What is it Johnny?"
" Ok Cat, you are right I do have the calm down but there's just so much I need to know and no one is giving me answers!"
I understand that but at the same time demanding answers won't get you anywhere but back in jail.
"Can I come back over? I know it's late but I don't know what to do Cat.."
I say yes, and I hang up the phone because this is my opportunity to really break things off with Johnny the way I planned to days ago.
He had to already be in route to my house because five minutes later he was knocking on my door. When I open the door for Johnny, he come in speaks to Troy and April and we head toward my room as soon as I close the door he picks me up and lays me on the bed and climbs on top of me and begins to kiss me. It feels so good I don't want it to stop, but I have to I push his face back. Listen Johnny, this is too much too fast I tried to explain that to you before, but part of me wanted to see where this could go too. I see it is going nowhere fast..
Before I could say another word Johnny covered my mouth with his and kissed me again. "Don't say stuff you don't mean."
He's right I don't mean it but at the same time, I do.
Look Johnny I have something to tell you. I found Leah's uncle on social media, and I saw that he has a wife named Sandra. She had on her Walmart uniform standing in front once the Walmart she worked at, so I called there and asked for her. I told them I was Leah when I called and they got her to the phone. When she got on the phone she didn't sound too happy she told me to never call again, she called Leah a bitch and said that she fucked her husband which is Leah's mothers ex-husband apparently. So she's either screwing her uncle or her mothers ex-husband, or both.
Johnny sits on the side of the bed. "You did what? She said what?"
You heard what I said Johnny. You're letting this girl run circles around you all because she has your child.
Johnny pulls out his phone and calls Leah. She doesn't answer.
He just looks at me.
"I keep going from bad to worse with this girl Cat, and everything is spiraling out of control. I can't blame you for not wanting to talk to me. I can't but just help me figure this shit out."
I look at him with a straight face.
"Johnny did you kill your son? Were you a Leah fighting and something happened?" I asked.
"What? No! When I got there he wasn't responding. He had a black eye and I lost it. I chocked Leah until she passed out, I know I shouldn't have but she hurt him and I can't let her or anyone else do that. He is innocent. I called 911 for my son and waited until they came, and I left."
I sat next to him. "Johnny, that shit isn't healthy. And I don't want to see you going to jail over stuff like that. Especially choking her and fighting that's how freak accidents happen."
"I'm trying Cat. I hate that girl with everything in me! I have to get out of this shit immediately."
Yeah you definitely need to. I say with my arms folded.
Johnny's phone rings it's Leah. He answers and puts the phone and the first thing she says is. "Ahaaaa I told you you'll never leave me and if you do I'll take the one thing I know means the most to you!"
Johnny clinches his fists. "So you're fucking your uncle. Is that even your uncle? Huh? You lying sneaky evil ass girl!"
Leah must be speechless because she doesn't respond she just hangs up the phone on Johnny.
Johnny lays back on the bed and pulls me next to him. He rubs my face and says "I'm sorry Cat. For whatever you're feeling, and for whatever I've caused. I'm sorry."
Even in the midst of this dark time for him he's apologizing to me because he sees the worry in my eyes. He's definitely nothing like anything I've felt or had, but this hurricane that's surrounding him is enough to run anyone away.

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