fin: empty

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I've seen so many of my friends who were head over heels for their partners. But then, out of the sudden, what was once "us against the world" became "you against me". So many hard fought relationships died of just because of one or even worst, both of them felt empty. Felt there's nothing else that can be fixed. Each and every crack and broken pieces, every unsolved puzzle and unresolved quarrels, every "iloveyou" went just to "ily", every question of "what's the matter?" turned to "You do you.", how every text being read in a heartbeat but then left delivered for hours, how memories that could make up an eternity ended with just one wrong move, one egoistic act, one selfish and couldn't be bothered person, ended so much more than just two people who are in love with each other. From two people, who could filled one another now just one filling a broken glass just because the other felt "empty". Felt like they weren't heard, felt like they were expendable, felt like nothing. As if they didn't look up to their lover's face, for if they had just looked up, they see, their partner is trying everything they possibly can to fix this. It's as though they are trying to stop your bleeding that you were to stubborn to notice. They are trying, believe me, everyone in every relationship that are in love with each other, one of them will try whatever they can to keep it intact, and when the one who tried so goddamn fucking hard thinks that this is after all just a lost cause, well then the relationship is pretty much over. Because you can't keep a glass full when it's broken can you? It's the same as to people who are in love, when all you did is the best you can to avoid that person from feeling "empty" sooner or later, you will realize that, a heart that is not beating will never beat again no matter how many times you try to jumpstart it.

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