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Will's POV

My friends have decided to invite themselves over to Ryan's house while I get ready for my date. It's not exactly a date, it's a walk at the beach so I can finally meet River's siblings who she seems very fond about. Their sibling dynamic seems nothing like mine and Klaus', so I'm excited to see how they all act around one another.

"I feel like a proud dad," Brains says, pretending to wipe a tear from under his eye. "Meeting the family already. You just grow up so fast."

I frown in his direction, having an extremely difficult time trying to refrain from rolling my eyes. "I'm older than you."

"By three months. Internally, I'm an old soul."

Beck roars out with laughter. "An old soul? My little brother acts more mature than you."

Brains smiles sympathetically. "Projecting your insecurities on me? I see, Beck. I see. It's okay. Im here for you. We all are."

I smirk and shake my head at their antics.

While they bicker and play fight with one another, Isla drops into the seat beside me and shows off a small smile. Isla has always been a mother figure for all of us, even though she has struggled the most with the horrors of her past. Still, she refuses to show anyone what she's been through. Somehow she still manages to have a heart of gold, never able to hurt another's feelings, never teaming up against anyone, always being fair, always giving advice and thinking of others.

I wrap my arm around her shoulders and give her a side hug. "How are you, Issa-bear?"

"I'm fine. Shouldn't you be worried about yourself? How are you feeling?"

"Great. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Meeting the family is a big thing. Especially the siblings."

"They'll be a breeze. Meeting her mum was the most stressful part."

Isla shakes her head in disagreement. "Always impress the siblings. I guarantee that they're the ones who River will listen to the most."

Brilliant. More stress and anxiety.

"Just be yourself," she advices me once she notices my panicked expression. "You're a good guy, you take care of River. They're going to love you. Just be yourself and act like a gentleman, they just want to make sure their sister is with a decent guy—which you are."

"Thanks, Isla. Hopefully I won't make a fool of myself."

"Never. You're William Stanley. I've never known you to ever make a fool of yourself."

"That's a lie," Lola interrupts.

Isla and I both frown at Lola. She's sat on Ryan's lap, wrapping her arms tightly around him.

"You tried to jump over the tennis nets at school, remember? Fell over and hit your face? Winded yourself? You've got to admit, you made a right show of yourself."

I sigh, half expecting Lola to say something like that. "Thank you for that reminder of my traumatic fall."

"It was a little funny," Beck whispers.

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