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River's POV

I store the tickets from the arcade in my memory box that is hidden at the bottom of my wardrobe, saving it for when I want to savour on mine and Will's happy memories. I see the notes in the process and contemplate throwing them out, but I can't bring myself to do it, so I close the box and forget about their very existence.

The blue and orange teddy octopus that Will won for me from one of the machines gets placed on my nightstand next to bed, a safe distance for me to reach it if I ever feel lonely. He didn't actually win it. He had five tries with the claw, but he kept dropping it, so he went to one of his colleagues and got them to unlock the glass screen so they could secretly pull one out and pretend it was stuck.

Will told me to pretend that I hadn't seen anything and act as if he actually won it like the skilled person he is. I looked the other way and did just that.

I now have three things to remind me of Will: the octopus, the tickets, and his hoodie that he told me to keep for a little while longer. He requested one of my tops in return, so I gifted him my oversized zip up hoodie which just about fits him.

I'm sitting on my bed, changing the colours of the octopus by turning it inside out, when my bedroom door suddenly flies open.

I almost scream, but then I turn my head with my heart thumping violently, and I see Amy.

"Did I scare you?" Amy roars with laughter and invites herself in, sitting on my bed crossed legged.

"A little." I laugh awkwardly.

"What's this?" She takes the teddy from my hands to inspect it.

My hands return to my lap as I watch her change the colours. "Something I got at the arcade."

"Very nice. Who did you go with?"


"Ah, Will. Mum's told me all about him."

"She has?"

Amy looks like she wants to laugh. "Me and mum tell each other everything. I know all about this mystery boy who stayed last night."

My face heats up. I forget how close Amy and mum are. They act more like best friends. Sometimes I'd like to have that sort of relationship with my mum, but at the same time I wouldn't. In some ways, it would be my worst nightmare.

"You should invite him out for dinner sometime. Or we can go out for a walk if he's more comfortable with that?"

I hide my red face behind my strands of hair. "Maybe. We're just friends, Amy."

"So? Whether you're friends or dating, we still want to know him if he's going to be in your life, just to approve." She winks.

"I'll ask him."


The octopus has an upside down smile in Amy's hands. It's staring at me with pleading eyes, like it wants to come back to me where it feels safe and at home.

I shake my head, feeling stupid for feeling so protective over a teddy.

"How's sixth form been?"

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