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Will and I must've accidentally fell asleep in his bed, because we're suddenly woken by the sound of his door opening. My body jolts and my tired eyes blink open, staring at the woman who is gawping at me.

It's his mum.

I gulp and glance over at Will, remembering how he said we'll leave before his parents get back because he doesn't want me to meet them. I know it's because he doesn't get along with him, but my anxiety picks at my brain and tries to trick me. It tells me over and over again that he's embarrassed of me and that's why he doesn't want me to meet his parents.

It's not true. He's not embarrassed of me. He's not.

Will looks horrified that we fell asleep for so long that we didn't get a chance to escape his mum. It was impossible not to drift off. We were under the covers, holding hands, my head rested on his chest, listening to our favourite music. I had never been more relaxed. For the first time, I managed to fall asleep with ease. Usually it will take me hours, and I'll have to read book after book until my eyes finally decide to close and relax. When I'm with Will, it's effortless.

"Who's this?" his mum asks, pointing to me.

She's slim and tall with ratty brown hair that is thrown into a ponytail. She wears professional clothes that look too uncomfortable to feel against skin. Wrinkles line her forehead and under her eyes, but she doesn't have much smile lines.

"This is River," Will mumbles. "River, this is my mum."

"Girlfriend?" she guesses.

My cheeks heat up at the awkward interrogation. I should probably greet her and say something, but I've never been any good at talking. My mind is blank and nothing comes to mind, causing me to sit there silently in a panic.

"She's a friend from sixth form," Will tells her, but squeezes my hand under the cover at the same time, trying to tell me that he's sorry.

"Oh, right." His mum stares at me, scanning over my face. "I'm Olivia."

"Nice to meet you," I finally say.

"And you. Are you staying for dinner?"

I look to Will for help.

"She can't stay, she's got to head home soon."

Olivia huffs. "You can't just bring a girl over and not give her any dinner. Where are you manners?"

Will sighs and looks back at me, his eyes tired. "Do you want to stay for dinner?"

I glance between him and his mum as sweat begins to form on my forehead. "Oh, that's okay, I need to get home-"

"Ignore what he said. You're welcome to stay for dinner, Riley. You want her to stay? Don't you?" she asks Will.

"Yeah," he mumbles.

The skin on my fingers begin to bleed when I pick too deep. "Um...okay. Sure."

"Great. Dinner will be ready in half an hour. I'll see you down there, Riley."

"River," Will snaps.


"Her name is River. Not Riley. Stop calling her that," he informs her harshly.

Olivia rests her hands on her lips. "Don't you dare speak to me like that. You're embarrassing yourself. I didn't mean to get her name wrong. She doesn't mind. Do you, River?"

My heart is racing and my skin is clammy. The smallest things get to me. The smallest things. The smallest things.

Suddenly my clear mind is collapsing on me, allowing the darkness to spill back in.

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