Chapter 1

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Olivia's pov:

Today is the day. I am finally meeting my friends from hsmtmts. I don't know how to feel, I'm excited yet soo nervous. What am I even going to say?

After so long with no contact with them and practically avoiding them I am now meeting with them for the premiere. It's funny because they don't even know I'm coming, I want to surprise them. I'm hardly in this season as I decided to take a recurring role so it doesn't really make sense for me to attend but I wanted to. Will they even be happy? I know for certain that Josh won't be.

God.. I haven't spoken to him for so long which firstly isn't my fault. I couldn't reply to his countless emails or messages because of my manager. I wanted to  talk to him, visit him at the hospital and comfort him, apologize for everything I had caused him yet I was forced to keep quiet. It broke me.... He probably sees me as someone he can't trust anymore. Which of course breaks my heart, but I deserve it he almost died from all the hate that I couldn't necessarily control. Again, I'm basically controlled by my manager when it comes to social media, can't do much if I want my career to do well. I told myself not to overthink about this. I should be happy right?

Anyway, I decided to wear all black, with my hair out and a matching dior choker on.

I rushed to my vanity to put on some red lipstick to finish off my makeup, across the room there was a large, body mirror. I scanned my complete outfit to check if there was any touches I needed doing but no it looked perfect.

I love it, it's definitely one of my best outfits. The last thing I needed to put on were my shoes, I walked over to them and slid my feet in them leaning onto the small drawer for some balance. I tightened them and glanced at the mirror, it looked like I had grown a few inches. I've always loved wearing heels, it does hurt your feet but it makes me look more like a woman even though I know I'm only 19.

I was now ready to go.

Joshua's pov:

I was already done with getting ready in my outfit. It wasn't a colour I normally choose but I looked good enough. I still had a few minutes until the premiere actually started so I decided to go to Matt's room which was only across the hallway in the hotel me and the other cast mates were staying at. I raised my hand to knock on the plain black door, within seconds Matt immediately opened it. We both greeted eachother and we were already talking about the upcoming event.

Our conversation soon led on to the brunette girl.

"Do you think she's coming?" Matt asked hesitantly, he of course knew that I was still uncomfortable with talking about her.

"God.. I don't even know, I mean how am I supposed to know? We don't even talk anymore." I laughed off sarcastically. It hurts to say that. Deep down I wanted to talk to her again but she was the one who ignored me. I quickly covered that by asking him the same question.

"Honestly dude I have no idea, It makes sense for her to come but also not to. I mean she kinda has to, if she doesn't the media will be quick to make assumptions about that."

"Yeah as if they haven't done that before." I muttered under my breath as I rolled me eyes. Sadly, it wasn't quiet enough as Matt heard.

"Let me ask you something... Are you going to be ok if she does come? After almost 2 years you guys still haven't really made up, maybe this is a chance to do that?"

"I don't know man.... After everything she still ignores me, even when I was close to death she didn't speak up I was at least expecting her to call or maybe control her fans like I did when I released some songs. It's honestly not that hard. And I'm not sure if I can forgive her yet, I still need some time to think about it."

It was silent for a few seconds until Matt looked up and scanned my face.  I could tell he was thinking about what I had said, he still supports Olivia so I'm not gonna be surprised if he stands up for her. I don't blame him, I can't image having to choose between two of your close friends. Matt eventually spoke up.

"What if she really wanted to but she couldn't?"

I couldn't even comprehend on what he had said but I could just feel anger coming over me.

"Really Matt?"

I walked out and accidentally slammed the door behind me. I guess that was quite dramatic of me to do but I felt so lost and confused.  I went back into my room and slumped onto my bed for a few seconds to think. What if Matt is right?

I quickly shut that idea down and thought about Olivia. I haven't seen her in so long ever since the release of Drivers license. But do I genuinely hate her? She did leave me yet it wasn't her fault of course, our relationship wasn't going to work out because of our ages but I loved that girl so much. I still hate seeing people hate on her and accuse her of random stupid things that I know aren't true. After all she was the first girl I had ever truly fallen in love with, I had never been so close with a girl before until I met Olivia. Some can say it was just some stupid high school love but it was way more than that. We both know that. Honestly, I could never imagine her with someone else, yet here we are where she is already dating a guy who is ten times older than her. He makes my blood boil but what can I do? Olivia's not mine anymore, and I don't think she ever will be anymore. But I feel like I always will protect her and comfort her even after everything we've gone through. And maybe I still love her. Maybe this time it'll be different. But I know deep down that is impossible.

I was  interrupted from my thoughts by loud knocks. I quickly jumped up and made my way towards the door to open it.  I already clicked on to who it was when I saw the strands of grey hair, Tim Federle.

"Oh hey Tim, whats up? Is it already time to go?" I asked stupidly.

"Have you not been paying attention to the time? It's already time to go, I was knocking for about 10 minutes, it seemed like you were busy with something?" Tim was already waiting for some sort of excuse.

"Oh, I was busy finishing my outfit." I quickly mumbled out giving Tim an awkward smile.

"It's fine but come on the others are already waiting in the car to go."

I didn't even have time to respond before Tim pulled me out of the doorway towards the elevator. I was basically being dragged like a toddler until we both entered the elevator, we were met by an awkward silence in the small room.

I've never had an awkward situation with Tim, he was always so open and comfortable with everyone but this time it was different. I looked around and noticed him fiddling with fingers, he seemed nervous. I've never seen him like this before.

"Tim are you ok, you seem quite on edge?" I asked hesitantly.

"You don't have to worry about me Josh, I just wanted to make sure that you'll be ok at this event." Tim worryingly questioned, even with that Tim still seemed nervous. He kept fiddling with his fingers and swaying from side to side. He was giving me a serious look, waiting for me to answer.

"Of course I will be but why is something coming up?" I was now confused. Why is he worrying over me?

"No no Josh but please try and stay professional at all times when we're there, alright?"

"Tim you don't have to worry about that, you know I never mess up."  I tried to lighten the mood by saying that and it did by gaining some nervous laughs from Tim.
I didn't want anyone to stress on this special, everyone should be having fun..



sorry If this is so short and crap as it is my first Au/story. But I hope you enjoy it as much as I did when writing it.
And pleaseee lmk how it is and ur opinion!

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