Last Special Chapter

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"Captain, kill her quickly."

However he refused to let go of the bloodied half dead body in his arms, which he grasped tightly against his chest. His steel gray eyes stared menacingly at one of his cadets with tousled auburn hair, he didn't move a muscle. The longer he held close to the dying person, the more he could feel more blood seeping through the person's light brown Marleyan candidate uniform.

"Captain Levi?"


He clicked his tongue one last time before shooting his hooks and using his gas tanks to escape from above while still carrying the limp body with one arm. Levi shot his hooks from one building to another as fast as he could, but the Eldian survey corps members were also quick to get on his tail with their modified maneuver gears. He didn't need to look back to know if they're planning to kill him too, he didn't need to turn his head to see if they're pointing their guns at him.

All because Levi just wanted to be selfish for once.

If he were to be honest, Levi would say that all lives are equally trivial, be it Eldian or Marleyan, including his. So any death, even his own, is nothing to be sad about. But this one, this (h/c) haired Marleyan in his hold.. Must not die. Not in his watch. Even though her body grew colder each second. At least that's what Levi pleaded to any existing god in this universe right now as he dodged bullets from his own cadets that were trailing right behind him.

He refused to let (Y/n) die. Because (Y/n).. Is his first.. love.

However life was too cruel to let Levi have what he wanted. Because Floch Forster used his two remaining bullets to end this chase.

"You sir.. You survey corps traitor!! Devil!!" Floch shouted before he pulled the trigger.

Whether it's luck or the world just simply sided with Floch at the moment, his bullets hit the two targets. Even the great Levi Ackerman couldn't avoid it on time. The moment Levi felt that burning sensation ripping through his chest, his vision went fully dark.





Levi's nostrils caught the familiar scent of garbage as soon as he regained consciousness. He also noticed that his body is placed inside a dark, smelly, and confined space with rubbish here and there, most likely a big street trash box where people just dump their waste-filled bags. His steel gray eyes slowly opened, adjusting to his surroundings as his senses slowly woke up. In this cramped trash box where his legs were forcefully folded, knees going up, and both his elbows were supporting a bit of his upper body to lift his head.

There, a (h/c) haired Marleyan was straddling his lap with her legs on either side of his body. Looking clean and beautiful like nothing bad ever happened to her. As if she wasn't dying a few minutes ago. Their bodies were pressed against each other, hence their eyes met in the darkness. The Marleyan woman touched Levi's forehead with hers.


"Levi!!" She exclaimed in happiness upon hearing her lover, she dunked further and rubbed their heads together in affection. Her arms stretched out to engulf him in a tight hug.

Even though Levi himself was beyond happy to see his loved one fine and well in front of his eyes, he still couldn't process what's happening and why they are suddenly here. And (Y/n) was quick to read the confusion written on his face.

What's wrong with Levi's Secretary ?  [Levi x Reader]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon