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"...A bus trip ?

She nods enthusiastically, "mhm !"

"What.. we're not in Shiganshina, or in Maria, yet you want to catch just any bus and go around the city ? Is that what you mean ?"


Levi sighs as he takes a hand through his hair, "Ms. (L/n), no need to rebel. Just do what you truly desire. Cut the bullshit already."

"This is what I truly desire," she replies, "whenever I'm on a rush-hour bus, I always dream about not getting off and going to the very last stop. You know, enjoy the view and the ride,"


(Y/n) rolls her eyes, "but I guess this is too hard for you huh ? To ride in a vehicle that a stranger is driving. You're very particular about that. That's why you always make me drive for you. On a second thought, it's impossible, right ?" The secretary cooed at him with baby voice in a mocking manner.

Levi was about to retort when a bus they're waiting for finally arrived.

"Let's go."

"Holy shi- You're really getting on ??"

He nods, "I told you, today it's all about what you want to do." Levi hops inside the bus, leaving (Y/n) quite speechless behind him, before the woman herself gets inside too.

Levi paid for the ticket before walking through the bus corridor to find a seat.

Wait.. there's only one seat..


"Ms. (L/n), you should sit." He pointed to the empty seat.

(Y/n) frowned, "No no, please take the seat, I'll just stand here, Mr. Ackerman."


"I bet a rich ass person like you is not used to holding onto the bus grab handle, I bet you'll fall and embarrass yourself. So be grateful that I'm giving you the seat even though it's my holiday."

Levi wants to scowl so badly for her disobeying his words. This is not the first time his secretary mocked him. He looked at the dangling bus grab handles, there's a line of rigidly-mounted handles mounted above eye level of the passengers. He may be short, but he's still able to reach them if he wants. Levi's actually more concerned about (Y/n), who's shorter than him.


The man takes the seat, leaving (Y/n) standing beside him. She's holding into the bus grab handle... On her tippy toes.

Well, she's shorter than Levi. What do you expect ?

The soft sound of people having short conversation in the bus fills the atmosphere, making the ride quite enjoyable for (Y/n).

But then shit happens.

A stray cat suddenly crosses the street. Making the bus halts abruptly, even some passengers stumble a little due to the sudden change of movement, sadly, it includes the poor secretary. (Y/n), who's not holding tight enough on the bus grab handle due to her height, also stumbled.

She was actually about to stumble to the floor. However, a young passenger somehow bumped into her and made her stumble sideways.

What's wrong with Levi's Secretary ?  [Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now