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"Do you need anything, sir ?"

The woman quickly stood up, ready to give Levi any kind of assistance he needed as he walked out of his private office. But he just shook his head, "Indifference."

"What ?"

"I need your indifference and insincerity." Levi says, pointing a roll of paper to her face before strutting off to another place. (Y/n) only watches her boss going in another direction, with.. confident steps.

'What the hell did he mean....?'

Meanwhile at the planning division room...

"Man, after all that talking in our meeting.. My neck hurts ughh.." Eren groans, rubbing his nape.

A certain black haired woman frowns, "do you want me to massage you ?"

But then a two toned haired man who loves to eat grass and neigh pushes Eren out of the way, "you can give me a massage instead of that prick."



Historia all of a sudden screeches upon the see behind Eren and Jean who are still actively contending over Mikasa, "g-guys...." her blue eyes filled with frightfulness. Armin and the rest followed her gaze, and their jaws dropped to the floor.

"Mr. Ackerman !!"

Everybody turns around, Eren and Jean stop bickering as all of them spotted Levi standing calmly in front of a photocopy machine inside the planning room, with one hand in his pocket.

Connie is the first one to rush at the CEO, "Sir, what happened ? If you need to make copies, you should've just said so ! Let me do it for you !"

"No, let me !"

Mikasa rolls her eyes, "just let the pipsqueak finish his shit..." she mumbled under her breath.

The grey eyed man retrieves his copies, "no need. I'm already done, and I mastered this copier too. Normal, enlarged, reduced, I mastered all the functions. So from now on, I'll make my own copies. Now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta go." He walked past the gaping employees and headed elsewhere, except for Mikasa of course, who remains calm most of the time.

Just then, (Y/n) walks in, "Did something happen ? Y'all look.... shocked.."

"Oh my gosh, Ms. (L/n), did you leave your desk by any chance ?"

"No, I was sitting there the whole time. Why ? What happened ?" The woman became puzzled.

"You see," Sasha speaks up, "Mr. Ackerman was making his own copies !"

"W-wha.. He did ???!!"

Poor Jean can only nod weakly, "mhm, my heart almost stopped right then and there. You all heard it right ? My heart is stopping ! I don't know what's gotten into him, maybe you can help us find out, (Y/n). Oh, by the way, some higher ups want you at the Executive Director's office right now."

"Alright, thanks Jean."

(Y/n) strides away from the small group.

'You better not pull some weird shit while I'm away, Mr. Ackerman...'


"Urgh.. You know what goes well with coffee ? MR. ACKERMAN'S BISCUITS ! Hell, they look appetizing, sometimes I just want to steal a piece. Just one.."

What's wrong with Levi's Secretary ?  [Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now