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His words echoed inside her brain while she's still lying on top of him. It hasn't even been one minute yet, but the world seems to stop at moments like this.


"So please, don't let me go.."


She blinked.

Wait.. Those words.. Where did she hear it before ?

Why does it sound so.. awfully familiar ?

The woman on top of Levi seems to be busy inside her own head when suddenly he clears his throat, "...said that childish book of yours."

"H-huh ? I beg your pardon ?"

Levi purses his lips into a thin line, "is this what they call 'romance' ?"

It took a few seconds for (Y/n) to realize that.. the words that Levi said earlier.. are from her favorite book.

"Oh.." The secretary wiggles off from his grasp and stands on her feet, while Levi only sits on the bed, "you memorized the whole book in a nick short of time, sir ? Your memory surprises me every time. T-that's really impressive, I must say." she looked away from him.

Those deep words earlier.. those actions.. are only based from her book ? Not from his feelings ?

Out of consciousness, she clenches her fists, 'damn it.. I feel like my feelings are being toyed. He didn't mean it.. Maybe he only said that just to show off that he could actually memorize a whole book in less than a day.'

'What's wrong with him..'

(Y/n) twiddles with her fingers, "Um.. I think the water's still boiling. Let me go check it real quick."

Still sitting on her bed, Levi watches as her face holds a downcast look as she heads into the kitchen to cook their ramen.

"Thank god I read the whole damn book.. what an excellent excuse, yet a stupid move. I almost got myself exposed right there if I hadn't mentioned the book.." Levi muttered slowly under his breath before standing up to go to the small dining room.


Two bowls of ramen.

Sitting across from each other without exchanging words, since the two are still quite affected by the previous.. conversation. It was all silent until (Y/n) decided to break it.

"Um.. help yourself, sir."

She pushes forward the bowl of ramen to him, not forgetting to put a pair of chopsticks on the side.

Levi frowns, "my principle is not really eating MSG and other chemical additives, but since you went to the effort to make this shitty ramen, I will eat it this time only."

"Y-yes of course," her eyebrows twitch in annoyance, "it'll be my honor."


He begins to take a first bite, slurping the hot noodles oh so professionally.

What's wrong with Levi's Secretary ?  [Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now