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She whisked the eggs and other ingredients ever so diligently, keeping an eye on the proportions as if her life depends on it. Her eyes travel back and forth from the tablet on the kitchen counter to the bowl before her.

[How to make an omelette breakfast for your boyfriend]

Yes, (Y/n) uses YouTube as her guide to make a 'perfect' breakfast for Levi.

The woman stirs the egg on the frying pan for a few minutes before proceeding to plate the freshly cooked French Omelet carefully with the spatula.

As a human being who doesn't have much in her pocket, (Y/n) is used to eating cheap, instant food. Instant ramen, instant rice, instant everything, you name it. She rarely cooks from scratch since the woman doesn't have much time to do so, her work is always getting in the way.

"Good morning brat."

She whipped her head towards the source of the voice who just greeted her. Her boyfriend is wearing a simple T-shirt which exposes a nice view of his collarbone and neck. For a brief second, (Y/n) has to hold back her urge to plant a hickey on his neck- Wait, that sounds wrong. She quickly snapped out of her dirty thoughts, "o-oh ! I didn't see you there. Good morning sir."

Levi halts in front of the kitchen counter, "why are you making breakfast ?"

"Well, I was just so grateful for you yesterday doing all that for me, so.. I wanted to do something for you as well to return the favor so I made this omelet.."

They both look down on the omelet that (Y/n) just cooked. It looks rather.. unappetizing.

He bluntly pointed at the food, "is this what people mean by repaying good with evil ?"


(Y/n) inhales sharply, "I apologize, I'll throw it away-" But then Levi snatches the plate from her with a look of disapproval.

"You made this for me, so it's mine. Plus, you shouldn't waste food." He said.

"Let me at least fix that up-"

She was cut off when a cold finger was pressed to her lips to stop her from talking, Levi's stern eyes stared through her soul, "no need to fix anything, as I said, it's mine now. Just like how you belong to me."

(Y/n) wants nothing but to wipe off the smug look on his face as he said that the tips of her ears turn red, "n-nevermind, let's just eat."

A few minutes later, the two found themselves sitting across from each other on a small dining table near the garden. (Y/n) watches as Levi scarfed down the omelet, along with two slices of bread, "have some tea, Mr. Ackerman." She pours a good amount of black tea into Levi's cup.

"Mm, thanks."

The man grabs the cup by the rim before raising it to his lips, but then.. his keen eyes caught something.

The cup has a small crack on it.

(Y/n) seems to notices it, "oh my, do you want to replace the cup, just give me second and I'll bring-"

"It's alright."

"A chipped cup means bad luck for you, right..?" She questioned.

But Levi stays silent, not wanting to admit that it is true.


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