Chapter 23: Abundant Care

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When Juno arrived to see the scene of an unconscious Tully being wheeled out of a disused hospital room, he was slapped squarely in the face by reality. 

The last few months of happiness had really made him stupid and forgetful. And now, he was fully awakened by his own complacency. Today, he had managed to make it just in the knick of time. But what about next time? And the time after that? 

A low growl rumbled throughout the corridor and everyone at the chaotic scene paused. Juno rushed with urgency to Tully's side, and the two subordinates at either side of the hospital bed swiftly retreated.

His trembling fingers brushed the reddened corners of Tully's eyes, before hovering shakily above the oxygen mask that covered his nose and continuing downwards to rest on Tully's neck where he could feel the low but steady pace of his heartbeat. Only then did his hanging heart settle. 

Dr Dion who was moments ago wailing and squirming shamelessly in Cain's arms breathed a sigh of relief and released his hands from Cain's hair, a few short dark blonde strands still in his palm.  He then unclasped his legs from around Cain's waist and landed steadily on the floor. Noticing that Cain was still holding his waist, he looked up at the man and glared at him before pinching his hands until he released him. 

"Alpha Juno''. The Doctor greeted, his tone a little hoarse, a side effect of his rambunctious theatrical play. He nonchalantly smoothed his hair to the back of his head and picked up his glasses which had been discarded at a time unknown to him. 

"Is he okay?" Juno asked with an evident tremor in his voice. 

"He is fine, just sedated. Currently his condition is under control, but it's very complicated and I have never seen anything like it before. My guess is that the unexplainable estrus is having an impact on his heart. He needs to be taken to a proper examination room as soon as possible so that we can run more extensive tests."

"Alpha Juno". At this time, Cain also saluted. But Juno paid him no mind.  

He gazed fixedly at Tully's face, wishing those deep brown eyes would open and look back at him with their familiar shyness and warmth. He wrapped Tully's hand in his own wanting him to feel safe,  reassured and comforted in his sleep.

"Arrange everything as per Dr Dion's requirements". He commanded without looking at anyone in particular, but the four other medical staff present momentarily hesitated before scurrying off to do as instructed. 

"And you, you are dismissed".

"Alpha Juno, I have orders to comply with. The elders -" 

"Cain. Who is the leader of this pack?" Juno interrupted. His tone was calm but the air around him noticeably chilled.

"It's you, Alpha." Cain responded. 

"So, it turns out that it is actually me." Juno spoke these words as though he really wasn't aware. 

"Then, who is this?" Juno asked while rearranging Tully's curly hair to the side of his face.

There was a long moment of pause before Cain answered hesitantly.  "He is a human boy from your sixth form."

"Who is this?" Juno repeated himself once more.

Cain's jaw clenched, his lowered eyes hid his ridicule. "He is your mate, Alpha." 

"Right, right, if you are aware, then, they must be clearer about this than anyone. The mate of the Alpha of the Great Moon Bridge Pack, a pack second to none in the whole of Northern Europe was residing in a disused hospital room." Juno scoffed. "I suppose it's more appropriate to call it a storage room. Not only that, but he was forcefully sedated, and driven out from that very storage room."

Juno continued. "Today, my eyes have been fully opened to the extent of the elders' 'care'. Indeed, as the Alpha of this pack, I must be sure to extend my sincerest gratitude at the abundant 'care' that the esteemed elders' have shown toward my mate". 

"Cain." Juno called out, his eyes finally leaving Tully's face and staring directly into Cain's eyes. Cain flinched and lowered his eyes reflexively.

"Yes, Alpha?" 

"It is already hard enough to keep myself from ripping you to shreds. I advise you, do not challenge me again. " Eos spoke this time. Juno could be described as cold, then his wolf Eos was the personification of frost. 

In that instant, Cain's blood seemed to run cold. He had never taken this Alpha seriously. He knew better than anyone the precarious position Juno was in. He  was at best just a figurehead in this pack.

People like him who had lived walking on the edge of a knife could smell the weak from miles away. Juno may have successfully deceived most pack members with his near perfect Alpha act, but he could see through his act as clear as day. He could tell that Juno was averse to conflict, cared far too much about the thoughts of those below him in status, and wanted to protect everyone so that they could live happily together. But, unfortunately, in a pack like the Moon Bridge, which had rotted to the core, only a fool like Juno harboured such inane thoughts.

But just then when Juno looked at him, he felt a level of unprecedented danger. The ridicule in Cain's eyes lessened.  He wanted to see what Juno would do should the elders' continue to push him into a corner. He sensed that maybe, just maybe, Juno might end up surprising him.

Happy New Year Everyone!!

May 2023 unfold infinite possibilities and abundant luck for each and every one of you!

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