Chapter 22: Human-wolf, Wolf-human

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"Make it short. The patient has just regained consciousness. I have no time to waste with you, Cain." Dr. Dion snapped as he pushed the door shut, isolating the chaotic scene behind him. 

The doctor keenly observed the indifferent face of the man in front of him. He felt a growing sense of impatience just from looking at this man who seemed to become as silent and cold as the bottom of an arctic lake whenever he was in his presence. 

He supposed that Cain, being one of the elder's most faithful lap dogs would have reason to hate him, a mere lowly omega who had crawled up from the mud to become the head pack doctor. Yet as fate would have it, Cain was indebted to him, the very man he must have deemed as his inferior in every single way. 

"You have orders to sedate him again. The car is already here to transport him to a human hospital." Cain stated crisply in an indisputable tone. 

Dr. Dion turned his head sharply and his loosely gathered shoulder length brown hair was unknotted out of it's confinement. 

The doctor pointed at the closed door and inhaled to suppress his frustration. "The 'human boy' in there is showing all the corresponding symptoms of an estrus". He enunciated each syllable, taking a step closer towards Cain. 

"Just moments ago his heart almost stopped". Another step forward was taken. "Something isn't right here. You and I both know that. So, I'd appreciate it if you'd allow me to do my job without further interference because frankly the boy cannot afford to wait." 

By the time Dr. Dion had finished speaking, he was almost within breathing distance of Cain. With a lowered gaze Cain stared unblinkingly into the man’s brown eyes. A hint of complexity flashed in his eyes but it was quickly suppressed.

"This is a direct order from the elders. You and I are in no position to disobey or question. Now, get him ready for the transfer yourself or I'll go in and get someone else to do it."

With that sentence, Cain completely closed the distance between them, as he lowered his head and whispered condescendingly into Dr Dion's ear. His momentum was daunting and the Omega doctor trembled slightly, involuntarily taking a slight step backwards in response to the man's deliberate show of intimidation.  

But the doctor was never one to easily back down. He cleared his throat, collected himself and endeavoured to appear unfazed. But his left eye habitually twitched as it often would whenever he felt anxious. This slight movement did not go unnoticed by Cain who had now straightened up, but still remained standing in close proximity to the doctor. Cain took a few steps backwards and readjusted his demeanour.

With Cain appearing seemingly more subdued, the doctor was once again bold enough to speak "Okay fine. Say that I go in and re-sedate him. You take him to a human hospital. The human doctors manage his heart condition but his estrus still persists. While he is sedated it's fine but then he wakes up, and the estrus inhibitor drug we administered wears off. He is now in a state of confusion, fear and helplessness at the fact that his body and mind are spiralling out of his control. All the inhibitions that a normal human should have are no longer there. Maybe, some rogue wolves will be enticed by his scent and break into the human hospital. He is then attacked, violated and possibly killed. Knowing all of this, do you still want to go ahead as you've been instructed? Is a pair of ears and a tail really all that important? Are we not human first and foremost?"

Dr Dion swallowed to moisten his throat after making such a long impassioned speech. He internally thought to himself that luckily his acting skills hadn't rusted after years of being a doctor. Naturally, everything he was saying was indeed the truth. However, he knew that it wasn't up to Cain to call the final shots. As such appealing to his conscience was of no use other than delaying for time.

Goodbye My Alpha (BxB)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें