Chapter 19: Chaos

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"Where's Kian? I thought he was supposed to be back officially today?" Ander asked.

"Yeah, i was with him first period,  he's probably at the teachers' office. He's needs to hand in all the assignments he was supposed to do at home" Alex responded. Tully looked over at Alex as he spoke.

"Two months...they really did him dirty" Fae tsked before sighing heavily.

Tully couldn't restrain his curiosity and asked "what happened to him?"

There was a pause as the four looked at each other. Then three pairs of eyes landed on Fae, it seems they had appointed her to explain the situation. So Tully also looked at her expectantly. Fae's  eyebrow twitched in annoyance. She sighed again before explaining vaguely. "Kian was, well beaten up by some...local thugs. It was so bad he had to spend a whole month bed ridden and another in physio."

Tully's eyes widened in shock, he let out a silent oh, feeling sorry for what Kian had been through. He lowered his eyes as that feeling that what he was being told wasn't the full truth arose in him once again. He felt this with the friends around him. Like they were hiding something from. It made him...well, a little sad. Was he not trustworthy enough as a friend?

He brushed this thought off to him being overly sensitive because he wasn't feeling all too well today. Just then another gush of heat rushed through him, this time it carried electric sension with it. This heat pooled in his abdomen, making his stomach feel as though it had been tied in knots. He could feel dick growing hard, which made him feel so embarrassed at how out of control the situation was. One moment he was fine, the next not so much. He wanted to stand up and run to the bathroom to relieve himself of the heat but without his notice his legs had grown numb and weak.

Ahh, that smell of roses was rising again. Tully was starting to think that maybe it really wasn't just the fabric conditioner. If so, then what was it?

In his daze his shoulders was grabbed and gently shaken, Tully lifted his head and a bead of sweat rolled down the side of his face down his neck outlining the fine sculptured curvature. He could barely hear what Ander or anyone was saying. Whatever was happening to him happened so fast that he couldn't process what was going on.

He could feel the chaos around him, as hunderds of mumurs from the people in the canteen, drowned his senses. He wasn't sure if a fight had broken out but he could hear the sound of tables and chairs being aggressively moved. He hoped that everyone would just leave.

A warm hand fell on his face, he could vaguely distinguish Mimi smooth cute voice saying something along the line of "he is burning up. And the smell is getting worse! We need to get him out of here, now! Otherwise,  otherwise..." I couldn't hear the rest.

"But...and he's human...not possible..."

"Well no shit Ander...heat!...needs...mate!"

"Take him...Packhouse..."


"...Alpha Juno..."

When Tully heard of Juno's name he could feel the heat and smell intensify. It was as though a large crack had formed on a dam. And slowly water was trickling out. He wasn't sure how long he could hold out for but something deep inside was telling him that he had to persevere least until Juno finds him. Ah Juno, how he wanted him right now, he want his big strong hands to explore his whole body, he wanted to be touched. No he needed it. He needed their lips intertwined, breathes exchanged so that this dreadful heat that was eating away at his sanity could be cooled down. He imagined Juno's hand grasping his shaft, stroking it with intensity-

"Fuck, Tully you have to restrain yourself! I know your mind is probably thinking of many many wonderful scenes right now, but for Goddess' sake, you need to think of other things right fuck i don't know: clouds, oceans. Anything but sex will do." Ander spoke breathlessly as though he was on the verge of loosing it.

"...Alex! Alex!...fuck...hold of  yourself...don't....contr-"

"Fae, stay with him until he comes back to his senses and then handle things here"

"Mimi, Let's go...hurry"

Tully could feel himself being carried, he watched from the side of his eyes as the black and white checkered floor tiles he had become so familiar with rushed past so fast that they blended into one. He wasn't sure if it was his tears the were causing everything to blur or if it was because whoever was carrying him was running very fast. The jolting movement pushed the heat he felt to another level. He unconsciously rubbed his body against the strong person carrying him. He instinctively searched for a scent he was familiar with. That's when he realised that at some point the jumper he was wearing was taken off.

" is...jump-er..." he gasped out desperately. He needed to smell Juno's scent. He wanted to be enveloped in that wonderful scent that drove him crazy.
"We took it off, if you are exposed to more of Juno's scent then you'd fully go into heat and all shit would break loose" Mimi replied, sounding anxious.

Halfway through the corridor, Tully passed out momentarily. When he came to again, it seemed as though there was an altercation was happening.

"What the fuck Kian, let go of him!" Mimi growled. 

"Molly! Molly! Why does he smell like Molly? My sister. This is my sister’s scent!" His arm was being pulled as though, someone was trying to disembark him from the person carrying him.

"Kian, now isn't the time! We need to get him to the pack house before his heat comes on fully otherwise, all the unmated wolves in the school will start fighting over who get to fuck him first!" Ander growled out.

At this point Tully could vaguely hear sobbing and other indistinct whispers. Blurry figures. Then his hair gently brushed back. As someone shouted out something along the lines of "Luna".

His whole body was twitching, sensitive to the point of it being painful.   He didn't know what was happening. He just wanted Juno.
"Ju...Juno...mmng...ngh" he gasped out breathlessly before fainting.

Author's Note

I will refine some plot points when I edit this chapter. Nothing major will change, it's just that I think that some things could be better expressed to convey the events that have unfolded here.

As always, thank you for taking the time to read to the end. Please vote and comment if you can. And see you in the next chapters :)

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