Chapter 8

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Troy's Pov: we met in centre again. I looked at them all in turn. The X-Borgs lay, defeated on the ground. I looked straight at the armada officer.
"let's take him out!" And with that, we charged. Slicing and parrying, kicking and dodging. We went full out on this one but he didn't even flinch.
"We need more power! it's time to go legendary."
"Legendary mode, activate!" we chanted. I felt a shift in my power and I suddenly felt stronger. I came back at him, fighting like never before. The monster laughed, "you think you're powerful enough to take me down? You've got another thing coming." Just like that I was thrown backwards as he blasted a supersonic boom around him. I hit the ground hard. Pain seared through my body. I gathered my remaining strength and stood up. He's not gonna break me that easily. The monster turned to face me, I charged him and struck. He parried my blow and caught my wrist. Suddenly, a bright blue glow emitted from his hand. I began to feel exhausted. Then he took out his sword and struck me in the chest. I heard someone scream my name but I couldn't quite register it. As I hit the ground once more and my consciousness was fading fast, the monster approached me and stood above my wounded body. "Face it Red Ranger, you can't win." I glimpsed him walking away, laughing maniacally before I blacked out.

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