girl reporter?

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All the newsies started to head over to Jacobi's Deli but before they turned in the direction of the deli Racetrack stopped them.
"Wait a minute fellas there's one more thing Ise gotta take care of."
Racetrack told them heading back over to the Delancey brothers as everyone followed him.  Albert and Tiger made their way to the front of all the group of newsies to see what was going on.
"Hey Oscar! Morris!"
Racetrack yelled furiously.
Oscar and Morris looked at him smugly coming out from behind the counter.
"What do ya want."
Oscar growled.
"This is for hurting Tiger!"
Racetrack yelled punching Oscar so hard that he fell to the ground. Racetrack turned to Morris and did the same to him.
The boys started cheering him on while Tiger's face was covered in worry.
"Why you little-"
Oscar started and then pounced onto Racetrack hitting him repeatedly.
Tiger tried to run up and stop him but Morris shoved her back to the ground causing her to fall back.  Albert crouched down to check on her, then he stood back up and shoved Morris back against the counter.
"Haven't ya learned ya lesson yet, Morris!"
Albert spat punching Morris sending him back.
By now Racetrack had gotten on top of Oscar now beating him so badly that he face started to bleed.  Tiger got back up and pulled Racetrack back as the Delanceys ran away.

"What we're you thinking!"
Tiger scolded him as the cheering from the newsies died down to silence.
"Theys hurt yous Tiger.  They deserved it."
Racetrack told her rubbing his thumb on her cheek.
At this point Racetrack's nose was bleeding badly, his lip and cuts all over his face.
"Racer you didn't-"
Tiger started but was cut off by Racetrack.
"Yes I did Tiger."

Once all the newsies got to Jacobi's Deli they were all celebrating while Tiger was tending to the cuts on Racetrack's face. As she was sitting on the table and he was on a chair facing her, while Albert and Jojo were next to them.
"So, what's next?"
Jack asked Davy, causing all attention onto them.
"Well, now you have to spread the word. Let the rest of the city's newsies know about the strike."
Davey instructed.
"You heard the man! Let's split up and spread the word."
Jack announced to the rest of the Newsies while standing up on the table.
"Tiger and I'll take Midtown!"
Racetrack volunteered standing up to only be pushed back down by Tiger telling him to be still.
All the Newsies said where they'd be selling although when Brooklyn came up no one even dared to make a move.
"Specs, you take Queens. Tommy Boy, you take the Eastside. And who wants Brooklyn?"
Jack asked. No reply.
"Oh come on Brooklyn! Spot Conlon's turf."
Jack continued.
"Finch! You tellin' me yous scared of Brooklyn?"
Jack challenged.
"I ain't scared of no turf. But that Spot Conlon do got me a bit jittery."
Finch admitted.  Jack rolled his eyes at the newsies, disappointingly.
"Fine. Me and Davey will take Brooklyn."
Jack told them.
"What? Me!"
Davey complained.

"Why's everyone so scared of Brooklyn?"
A girls voice was heard from the back of the restaurant.  It was the same girl that had rejected Jack the day before.
"What are you doing here?"
Jack smiled cheekily at her as she smacked her newspaper against his chest, rolling her eyes.
"Asking a question. Have you got an answer?"
She challenged smirking at the newsies.
"Brooklyn is the sixth largest city in the entire world. You got Brooklyn, you hit the mother load."
Jack explained to her, then gave her a knowing smirk and cheeky grin.
"For someone who works at the sun, you seem to spend a lot of time with the world... So, what's that about? You followin' me?"
Jack flirted.  Tiger rolled her eyes as she continued to clean Racetrack's cuts. Her annoyance made him stifle out a laugh.
"Don't flatter yourself Jack."
Tiger called out from where she was as Jack waved her off.
The girl scoffed at the boy.
"The only thing I'm following is a story. A rag-tag gang of ragamuffins wants to take on the kingmakers of New York. Think you have a chance?"
Katherine told him pushing him aside. 
"Shouldn't you be at the ballet?"
Jack teased defensively.
"Is the question too difficult? I'll rephrase: will the richest and most powerful men in New York give the time of day to a gang of kids who haven't got a nickel to their name?"
The girl explained looking around the room at every newsie while she locked eyes with Tiger for a second, seeing a girl newsie was extremely uncommon to encounter.
"You don't gotta be insultin'... I got a nickel."
Crutchie mumbled the last part.
"So I guess you'd say you're a couple of Davids looking to take on Goliath?"
The girl said inspired, jotting things down on her scrap paper while tapping her pen on her newspaper.
"We never said that."
Davey said defensively, trying to shut her down.
"You didn't have to. I did."
The girl said turning away from him.
"I seen a lot of papers in my time and I ain't never noted no girl reporters writing hard news."
Jack told her suspiciously.
"Wake up to the new century. The game's changing. How about an exclusive interview?"
She said excitedly.
"Yeah Jackie, wake up to the new century!"
Tiger mocked, making Racetrack, Albert, and Jojo laugh.
Katherine looked over to her locking eyes once again then turned back to Jack.
"Ain't your beat entertainment?"
Jack said unemotionally yet still smirking.
"This is entertaining... so far."
She chuckled to herself.
"What's the last news story you wrote?"
Jack scoffed.
"What's the last strike you organized?"
She quipped back.
Romeo jumped out of his seat to stand in front of her.
"You're out of your league, Kelly. Methinks the lady needs to handled by a real man."
Romeo said.  Standing next to her, but he was about a head shorter than her. (But that's okay cause we love a short king)
Katherine laughed uncomfortably. 
"You thinks wrong, Romeo."
Katherine said pushing him away from her with her index finger.
Once Tiger was done patching Racetrack up she made her way over to her.
"How'd she know my name?"
Romeo asked Tiger as she pushed him back into his chair.
"I say we save any exclusive for a real reporter."
Davey said to Jack annoyed. By now Tiger had stood next to the girl. She angrily slammed her hands down on the table.
"Do you see somebody else giving us the time of day?"
Tiger yelled at him causing most the newsies to flinch.
"Alright, so I'm just busting out of the social pages. But you give me the exclusive, let me run with the story, and I promise you I'll get you the space!"
The girl said looking to everyone desperately.
"You think we could be in the papes?"
Crutchie asked hobbling over to the girls.
"Shut down a paper like the World and you're going to make the front page."
She told him hopefully.
"You want a story? Be in front of the circulation gate tomorrow morning and you'll get one. And bring a camera. You're gonna wanna snap a picture of dis."
Jack challenged her as the newsies followed with a chorus of 'yeah's.
"Let's go, boys, play outside. I gotta set up for dinner. I got payin' customers need tables."
Mr. Jacobi yelled shooing them out.

Newsies: And the world will know, we been keepin score. Either they gives us our rights or we gives them a war. We been down too long, and we paid our dues. And the things we do today will be tomorrow's news. And the die is cast, and the torch is passed.
And a roar will rise...
...From the streets below
And our ranks will grow...
...And grow
And grow
And so the world will feel the fire and finally know!

All the newsies got up to leave but Tiger tapped the girl's shoulder.
"Hey! Don't worry bout them, theys just kiddin with yous."
Tiger reassured while walking with her.
"Thank you. What's your name?"
The girl reporter asked.
"Tiger. Yours?"
Tiger introduced holding her hand out to her.
Katherine told her.
"Don't let dem bully yous, Aye! And if Jack gives ya grief, just tell me."
Tiger told her.
"Tiger! Yous comin?"
Racetrack asked from ahead of them.
"Yeah, yeah! I'm comin! Hold ya damn horses!"
Tiger yelled back.
"Ise see ya around, Katherine!"
As Tiger left, Jack joined Katherine's side.

As Racetrack, Albert, and Tiger were walking back to the Lodging House, Racetrack could tell something was off.
"Hey are you okay? Ever since she brought up da picture you've been different."
Racetrack asked Tiger concerned while they continued to walk to the Lodging House together.
"Yeah I'm fine."
Tiger stated plainly.  It was obvious she wasn't okay.
"Tiger? You don't gotta lie to me."
Racetrack told her.
Albert added turning to face them.
"What if my parents see it. And if they find me? I can't go back there I really can't!"
Tiger cried.  It had finally clicked for Racetrack as him and Albert shared a look.
"They won't Tiger I-.. I mean we won't let it happen plus if we don't sell then no one gets papers."
Racetrack reassured her.
"Yeah. Yeah your right."
Tiger said convincing herself.

Word Count: 1600
Sorry it took so long! I have been having such writer's block😭

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