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After Medda had helped Tiger with what she would wear for her date and a few other outfits for regular days so she could get out of her brother's old clothes. For instance right now she was wearing her brother's pants from when he was 10 and a button down shirt he gave her this morning that went down to her knees with the same boots she's had since Medda gave her when she was little and they still fit perfectly.
Medda had given Tiger some dresses that she would finally be deemed as somewhat ladylike.

When Tiger got back to the lodging house she went straight to her room that she got all by herself because she was the only girl newsie and started changing into what she would wear for her date.

⚠️TW attempt of sa⚠️
It was time. It was time for her date and she was there on time and Oscar was no where to be seen. She was standing alone in front of Medda's theater where Oscar said to meet. She kept looking around when a familiar silhouette started to form in the ally in front of her in hearing distance.
"There you are! Ise starting to think yous were gonna to stand me up."
Tiger spoke loud enough for the figure to hear her.
"Now why would you think that?"
A voice spoke from behind her. She jumped and turned around, it was Oscar.  Then who was the other person.
"Oh sorry I thought that person was you."
Tiger explained.
"Oh who? Me?"
Another voice spoke from behind her this time when she turned around it was Morris.
"I'm- I thought it was only Oscar?"
Tiger questioned.
"You want those papes? Yous wants those papes don't ya?"
Morris asked. Tiger nodded her head with no hesitation she knew it would help the others.
"Then you'll do what we say."
Oscar spoke from behind her. Oscar and Morris dragged her into an empty alley.
"Aw look Morris she dressed up all pretty just for us."
Oscar and his brother shared an evil glare.
"What do you want!"
Tiger yelled defensively, trying to get the attention of passerbyers but she was too far down the ally for anyone to see her, they could only hear her but then again it was New York.
"Just tell me and I will do it and then you give me the papes in the morning okay?"
Tiger comprised.
"Oh about that. Yous ain't gettin those papes girlie."
Oscar sneered at her.
"What about our deal!"
Tiger yelled and Morris instantly slapped her face and covered her mouth. With a new red handprint on her cheek.
"Yellin ain't ladylike Tiger!"
Morris told her in a sickening voice.
She hated to admit it but Racetrack and Jack were right and all she wanted was to see one of their faces.
"Ya know we wouldn't be doing this if you wouldn't tease us everyday! I mean how do you expect us to contain ourselves when you have a body like that and you're always flirting with us it's like you were asking for it!"
Oscar whispered to her.
"And you could do so much better than any of those good for nothing newsies!"
Morris added on.
Tiger moved Morris's hand off of her mouth.
"I would rather die than be stuck with you two!"
Tiger spat.
"Help me!"
Tiger started yelling to get anyone's attention but again nobody noticed. Oscar through Tiger against the brick wall and took both her wrists in his hand and held it above her head.
"Now where do we start?"
Morris asked his brother rubbing his hands together.
Morris started to pull up her skirt to reveal her legs. She felt so helpless and she couldn't do anything but watch in horror of what they would do to her. She knew she couldn't fight back they were both twice her size. Morris started to run his hand up and down her leg as Oscar smirked at her.
"Get your disgusting hands off of me!"
Tiger spat. Morris looked up at his brother to do something and Oscar nodded and slapped Tiger across her face.
"Shut up you whore!"
Oscar yelled.
Tiger whimpered from the pain and tears started flowing down her face. Morris started to put his hands up higher on her legs as she cried for him to stop.
⚠️End of TW⚠️

"Hey! Get your hands off of her!"
A voice yelled from the entrance of the ally. Tiger looked to see who it was but it was too blurry for her to see through the tears.
"It would be better if you just left and forget you saw this."
Oscar growled.
"Help me please!"
Tiger begged. Oscar again slapped her across the face.
"You have one more chance to get away from her!"
The figure yelled again.
Morris yelled back.
Suddenly from the other side of the alley someone kicked Morris down and threw Oscar away from Tiger. The person took Tiger into his own arms and hugged her. The other person beat the Delancey's so hard they ran away screaming. The figure holding her wiped away her tears for her to see and it was Jack.
"Oh Jack you were right! I should've listened to you! I was so scared!"
Tiger cried as she held on to Jack. She turned around to see Albert was on the other side of her.
"Hey Al."
Tiger stifled a laugh wiping away her tears.
"Hey Tiger."
Albert told her and hugged her.
"You are not allowed to go anywhere without me or Albert or Racetrack! Got it?"
Jack told her.
"That doesn't sound so bad now."
Tiger said with a whimper of a laugh.
"We didn't let Racer come cause even if it was an actual date we thought that he might still kill him but now consider the Delancey's dead!"
Albert laughed trying to get Tiger to laugh along with him.

They all made it back to the lodging house and there was Racetrack paceing around the common area with his cigar laying loosely in this mouth.
"Tiger! How did it go? What happened? Did he hurt you? I swear to god I will kill him if her hurt you! Did he treat you right?"
Racetrack kept on asking question after question and soon enough Tiger interrupted him. When she did this he actually got to look at her and saw the red marks on her face and on her wrists.
"Oh Racetrack! They touched me! A- and they grabbed me and hit me! Oh Racetrack I am so sorry! I should've listened to you!"
Tiger cried and fell into Racetrack's arms. His cigar fell out of his mouth and he didn't care all that mattered now was Tiger and nothing else. Only his Tiger. He hugged her like it was going to be the last time he would see her. She cried into his should and they both fell onto the floor with Tiger's head in the crook of his neck sobbing. Racetrack looked up at Jack like he was going to kill somebody.
"Where are they now?"
Racetrack questioned.
"I don't know probably down in newsie square."
Albert told him.
"I'm gonna kill em!"
Jack yelled.
"What! You don't want to hurt em the way theys hurt her?"
Racetrack yelled back as he was brushing his fingers through her hair.
"No don't leave me Racer!"
Tiger sobbed.
Racetrack looked down and his gaze softened, she wanted him.
"I won't. I promise I'll neva leave ya eva' again."
Racetrack told her.  They spent the rest of the night like that.  With Tiger in his arms and his revenge plan forming in his mind for tomorrow.

Word count: 1294

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