ise ain't scared

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"Yous ready Tiger?"
Jack asked before they walked into Pulitzer's office.
"Pulitzer? Really? That man don't scare me!"
Tiger told him opening the door.
"Wait guys. We all know the plan right."
Davey asked.
"Yeah smart mouth. Now let's just get this ova with."
Spot spat opening the door.
The four of them barged into the office drawing all the attention to them.

"What in the- we had a deal Kelly!"
Pulitzer yelled from his desk.
"Yeah we did, and it came with a money back guarantee."
Jack told him throwing the stack of cash on his desk.
"Why you little- oh well hello there Emma."
Pulitzer taunted.
"It's Tiger, asshole."
Tiger growled as Pulitzer tauntingly laughed.
"Jacky, Jacky, Jacky. I warned you."
Pulitzer clicked his tongue tauntingly.
"Whatever youse got it don't scare me."
Tiger glared.
"Oh really? Hannah? Com ere. Get George and Elizabeth Darling for me."
Pulitzer ordered.
"Of course Mr Pulitzer."
Hannah said going into the back.
"You think I'm scared? Wes got you surrounded. You can't even leave yous own damn office."
Tiger told him.
"Now that's not very ladylike, is it, Emma?"
Pulitzer smirked as Tiger's jaw clenched.

"Emma, baby? Is that you?"
Tiger heard from behind Pulitzer as he stepped aside. And there they were, her parents along with Synder. Her mother ran over to her hugging her tightly.
"Get off of me!"
Tiger yelled pushing her mother away from her.
"Now Emma! You can't say such horrible things to your mother!"
Her father scolded.
"Really?! This is how you come back? I left for a reason!"
Tiger screamed at him.
"Thank you, Mr. Synder for giving us our girl back, but we should get going now, back to Brooklyn."
Her father said taking Tiger harshly by her arms.
"Hey! You can't just do that!"
Jack yelled angrily as Tiger looked back to him desperately.
Pulitzer laughed behind the group, drawing all the attention back to himself.
"There's nothing you can do now Jacky. She's theirs. No more sister, no more friends, no more job, no more of my daughter! Nothing left for you Jacky."
Pulitzer laughed evilly.
"There ain't a person here that don't know that you suck!"
Jack spat at him as Pulitzer just shrugged his shoulders.
"Well with that said we really should get going."
Tiger's mom said taking Tiger's other arm forcefully. Tiger tried to break their grip on her but her parents only tightened their grip.
"Just let me say goodbye."
Tiger said calmly as she stopped in her tracks causing her parents to not be able to move her.
"Emma, we do not have time for this."
Her father growled at her.
"Please! Let me say goodbye and then I'm yours, no more fighting or running."
Tiger negotiated.
"Fine! But no funny business."
Her father said letting go of her wrist as her mother did the same. With that Tiger dashed to Jack.
"I'll find ya, Tiger. No matter what, yous always gonna be my sista."
Jack told her.
"Tell the newsies that just cause I'm gone don't mean da strike is ova. And tell them I love them and tell Racer how much Ise love 'em that- that nobody can make me as happy as I am when Ise is with 'em and that it's always been him."
Tiger whispered to Jack hugging him tightly.
"Tell him yourself."
Davey said from behind them gesturing over to Hannah who was walking hurriedly to Pulitzer.

"Um mister Pulitzer? Your daughter is here. And you'll never guess who's with her."
Just then Katherine walked in with Medda and Teddy Roosevelt.
"Emma we need to go, now!"
Tiger's father yelled harshly as Jack held her shoulders
"Over my dead body."
Jack growled.
"Our. Our dead bodies."
Davey said putting a hand on Jack's shoulder.
"Oh what the hell."
Spot groaned putting a hand on Jack's other shoulder as Katherine walked up to them with Medda and Roosevelt.
"Not so fast."
Roosevelt spoke as his voice boomed around the room.
"Jack, is that ya name?"
Roosevelt asked as Katherine nodded excitedly.
"Yes sir."
Jack stuttered nervously.
"How old are you, son?"
He asked turning to face Jack.
"What does this have anything to do with us?!"
Tiger's father yelled from behind them.
"Oh I'll get to you in a second!"
Roosevelt threatened.
"I'm eighteen, sir."
Jack spoke quietly as he looked at Roosevelt in shock.
"So you are at legal age to take custody of a minor?"
Roosevelt asked.
"I uh guess so, sir."
Jack told him as he and Tiger shared a confused look.
"And Miss Emma, that is your legal name correct?"
Roosevelt asked as she shook her head.
"How old are you?"
He asked looking down at her.
"Fifteen, Ise turn sixteen tomorrow."
She mumbled.
"Jack, I know you don't want your sister to go back there with them, do you want to take full custody?"
Roosevelt asked.
"Sir, Ise could never take care of her, she'd be taken away from me."
Jack told him defeated.
"I will. She's practically my daughter already. And I could take good care of her."
Medda spoke up.
"Now normally we'd take this to court but because I'm me and I can pull some strings, just sign this Miss Medda."
Roosevelt told her grabbing papers from Katherine and winking at Medda.
"Now wait just a second! You can't do that!"
Pulitzer shouted slamming his fists down on his desk.

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