once and for all

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"Katherine. I- Ise gotta talk ta Tiger. But she won't eva listen ta me after what Is did."
Jack told Katherine exasperated.
"Jack. She is your sister. She'll understand and I'm sure she'll be on board with the plan."
Katherine reassured him giving him a hug and then a small peck on the lips.
"And I'll be there every step of the way."
Katherine added.

"Tiger. Yous need ta talk to Jack. Get this settled. And then it can be just me and you. Ise promise."
Racetrack told Tiger bringing their foreheads together.
"I know Racer. Just what if- what if he hates me now? I mean I overreacted a lot.  He probably wants nothing to do with me."
Tiger told him letting a single tear leave her eye.
"Tiger. Ise could never hate you."
Tiger heard from behind her and Racetrack.
Tiger asked unsure of how he would react.
Jack opened up his arms to hug his sister. Tiger ran from Racetrack and straight into his arms. Katherine walked quickly from behind Jack to Racetrack's side. As they both smiled sweetly at the siblings.
"Tiger I'm so sorry. Pulitzer he threatened to put you in the refuge. And I- Ise just couldn't let dat happen. Tiger I will always love you. And you'll always be a little sister."
Jack told her leaning out of the hug to mess up her hair.

"We have this idea. The Children's Crusade. With my writing and Jack's drawings. And we give them out to all working kids under 18 in New York. We could change the game. A state wide strike! Even my father couldn't ignore that!"
Katherine told the three turning to attention to her.
"Your fadder?"
Tiger asked warningly.
"Yeah Pulitzer is uh her fadder."
Jack told her scratching the back of his head.
Tiger yelled. She tried to run at her but Jack held her back.
"She's with us. Relax, Tiger."
Jack told her setting her back down.
"So? Are you with us?"
Katherine asked worriedly.
Tiger looked between Jack, Racetrack, and Katherine.
Tiger said exasperated.
"But uh where are wes gonna print da paper?"
Racetrack asked butting in.
"There's on printing press that ain't nobody gonna think we'd eva use."
Jack hinted.

"You have enough keys for the whole building! Ohh has someone been picking daddy's pockets?"
Jack teased as Himself, Katherine, Tiger, Racetrack, Spot, Davey, and Les entered the building.
"The janitor has been working here for over ten years and has never gotten a raise. He's with us one hundred percent."
Katherine assured everyone.
"Well here she is. Think of it! While my dad sleeps peacefully in his bed we'll be using his very own printing press!"
Katherine said excitedly.
"Remind me to stay on your good side."
Jack told her cautiously.
"Is this what they print the papes on?"
Racetrack asked walking over to examine the printing press.

"I can see why they tossed this old girl down to the cellar, but I think she'll do the job."
One of Katherine's friends observed.
"Jack, this is Darcy. He knows just about everything there is to know about printing."
Katherine introduced.
"You work for the papes?"
Tiger interrogated, walking over to Jack's side.
"My father owns the Trib!"
Darcy told them with a smile.
Jack and Tiger said at the same time as Darcy shook their hands.
"And this is Bill.  He'll be typesetting that article for us."
Katherine told them. Introducing Bill.
"Bill? So I suppose you're the son of William Randolph Hearst?"
Jack asked sarcastically.
"And proud to be part of your revolution!"
Bill said shaking both of their hands.
"Ain't that something?"
Jack said looking at Tiger amazed.
Bill stopped for a moment.
"And who might you be gorgeous?"
Bill asked Tiger.
As she was about to answer him, a pair of arms slithered around her waist.  She looked up to see it was Racetrack's. 
"She's taken buddy."
Is all Racetrack said with a glare at Bill as his cigar was lying lazily in his mouth.
"I see. I didn't know."
Bill said respectfully backing away to the printing press.
"In the words of the little one, "Can we table the palaver and get down to business?""
Katherine asked gesturing to Les.
"A little grease and she'll be good as gold."
Darcy informed them.
"Great! Let's get to work."
Bill told him as the two began the greasing so they could print the papers.
"All right. Here's how it'll work: as we print the papes, Race, you'll let the fellas in and they'll spread them to every workin' kid in New York. After that?"
Davey informed.
"After that it's up to them."
Jack finished.
"It's good to have you back buddy."
Davey told him putting his hand on Jack's shoulder.
"Shut up."
Jack joked pulling Davey into a hug.

"Hey. Be safe will ya?"
Tiger told Racetrack pulling his head down to be level with hers.  She pecked his lips and then he went up to his position.  Jack looked back at her confused of what he missed yet still smirking at her.

Jack: There's change
coming once and for all
You makes the front page and man, you is major
Davey & Jack: Tomorrow they'll see what we are
Davey, Jack, Tiger, & Katherine: And sure as a star, we ain't come this far... to lose

"Here they come!"
Racetrack announced the newsies arrival.

Davey, Jack, Spot & Tiger: This is the story we needed to write that's been kept out of sight, but no more
Newsies: In a few hours by dawns early light we'll be ready to fight us a war
This time we're in it to stay, talk about seizing the day
Tiger: Write it in ink or in blood, it's the same either way.
Jack: They're gonna damn well pay!
Newsies: See old man Pulitzer snug in his bed, he don't care if we're dead or alive
Three satin pillows are under his head, while we's begging for bread to survive
Joe, you can stop counting sheep, we're gonna sing ya to sleep
You've got your thugs with their sticks and their slugs. Yeah!
But we got a promise to keep!
Jack: Once and for all if they don't find their manners, we'll bleed 'em!
Newsies: (Bleed 'em!)
Racetrack: Once and for all we won't carry no banners that don't spell freedom!

""In the words of union leader Jack Kelly, 'We will work with you. We will even work for you. But we will be paid and treated as valuable members of your organizations." Riveting stuff, huh?"
Katherine read off the paper. Jack hugged her tightly while nodding his head with a big smile on his face.
"Get going. You've got a very important man to see."
Jack told her.
"Keep your fingers crossed."
Katherine told Jack.
"For us too. Okay?"
Jack told her as she kissed him on the check as she left.
"Ready to face him? Tiger?"
Jack asked.
"Yeah. Let's give that son of bitch a piece of our minds."
Tiger smirked at him as they both made their way to Pulitzer's office.

Newsies: Finally we's raising the stakes
This time whatever it takes!
This time the union awakes, once and for all!
Come on, boys!
This is for kids shining shoes on the street with no shoes on their feet everyday
This is for guys sweating blood in the shops while their bosses and cops look away
I'm seeing kids standing tall, glaring and raring a brawl
Armies of guys who are sick of the lies getting ready to rise to the call!
Once and for all there'll be blood on the wall if
they doubt us
They think they're running this town, but this town will shut down without us
Ten thousand kids in the square
(ten thousand kids in the square)
ten thousand fists in the air!
(ten thousand fists)
Joe, you is gonna play fair, once and for all!
Jack: Once and for all!
Newsies: (once and for all)
Tiger: Once and for all!!
Newsies: (once and for all)
Davey: Once and for all!!!
Newsies: (once and for all)
There's change coming once and for all
You're getting too old, too weak to keep holding
A new world is gunning for you, and Joe, we is too!
Til once and for all you're gone!
Jack: Once and for all!
Tiger: Once and for all!!
Davey: Once and for all!
(Once and for all!!)

Word Count: 1418

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