Who will win?

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Once again I felt I had died a little inside, now having both Sofia and Mindi call me Champion. But I got to spend fun time with a girl my age, so I shouldn't really complain. I took a bowling ball from the rack and shot it down the lane. Strike, in first shot. "Beginners luck, maybe, or maybe Wii Sports actually had taught me something." I thought to myself.

"Is there a Ms. Awesome in the house?" Mindi said. Sofia answered "Right here." stood up, and grabbed a bowling ball, and threw it down the lane. It didn't knock over all of the pins at first, but on her second throw it knocked down all of them.

"A spare, not bad Ms. Awesome." I said to Sofia. Sofia answered "Thank you." and smiled. "My turn." Mindi said, picked up a ball, and threw it down the lane. Not even hitting any of the pins. On her other try, it was the same story. "Shoot. Seems to be my unlucky day." Mindi said. She looked over at Sofia and I, and said "How about we play about something. To get things more interesting?" With a confused look, Sofia looked over to me, and then to Mindi, then said "I'm not sure what type of prize would be-" Mindi cut her in mid-sentence "How about the one who wins tonight is the first to taste my pancakes tomorrow morning, and the loser have to do the dishes?" "Uhh, pancakes, nice. Seems like the best price ever Mindi. I'm in." I said. Sofia supplied "Me too." with a smile.

We continued bowling for a bit. The two ladies not even coming close to the result I had. Having finished our drinks during the fun, Mindi said "Looks like we need a refill. Just the same as before?" and went to get fresh drinks, even before either of us could answer.

Taking a small break from the bowling Sofia asked me "So, how are you enjoying your ladies night out?" with a small smile. I then heard the "hiss" sound from Sofia I had heard during dinner, as well. "Well, ehm, it's great" I said, trying not to seemed affected by the image in my head, of Sofia literally peeing in her diaper right beside me. I continued "and it looks like I'm going to win, so that's even better. Also Mindi have paid for everything, so I couldn't ask for more."

Mindi came back over to our designated lane with the drinks, and said "Ms. Awesome, your turn." and put down the drinks on a table.

During the conversation I had just had with Sofia, her skirt must have moved up, because from the back everything was on full display. I could see her diaper had turned an even darker blue, and it had started sagging a bit. She went and threw her bowling ball. Wet diaper in full display, and even more, when she bent over to throw the ball. She made a strike and was one big smile. Looking like she noticed her skirt had crawled up, she quickly sat down, and pulled down her skirt, so the diaper weren't so visible any more.

Mindi took her bowling ball, and threw, hit a few pins on her first, and then the rest on her second throw. "My first spare of the night!" Mindi said with a smile. "Oh, looks like our time is up." Mindi said and pointed towards the point-scoring screen. She looked at me and said "Looks like Mr. Champion here won, and I lost. Congratulations. Could you be a dear and make sure everything looks nice here? We'll leave in a bit, and me and Ms. Awesome here have something we need to do before we go home." and grabbed Sofia's backpack "No problem." I said, and started placing the bowling balls in their places and went up with the glasses our drinks had been in, and got changed in to my normal shoes.

After some time, Mindi and Sofia came back, I went with them so they could get their shoes changed as well.

Sofia was bending over, while she was changing her shoes back. I could see she had gotten a new diaper on. This one had what, to me, looked like little girls in pink dresses surrounded by pink horses.

How Sofia and Steve ended up in diapersWhere stories live. Discover now