First change in public

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Mindi took Sofia by the hand again, and walked towards the restroom. "Why are we going there?" Sofia said. "I think you know why" Mindi said, and winked to Sofia. "We can't have my big girl get her clothes all wet." Mindi smiled. Sofia smiled back. This was exactly how she wanted things to go. She couldn't have dreamt things would go this way. But she was overjoyed that they were. Luckily there were no queue to the restroom. So the coast was clear. Mindi and Sofia went in to the restroom and made sure to lock the door. Mindi took one of the towels they had just bought and grabbed on of the more babyish diapers. One with small princesses with tiaras and pink dresses, surrounded by ponies that were also pink. She laid down the towel on the floor and the diaper on top of it. Now it was ready, so Sofia could be put in the diaper. Mindi smiled to Sofia and said "Come here big girl. Lay down so you can get a fresh diaper on." Sofia smiled and did as instructed. Mindi took the diaper and pulled it upwards towards Sofia's stomach, so it covered all her nether regions. She then fastened the tapes on the diaper, so everything fit Sofia, and there were no risks of leaks, when Sofia was going to pee. "There you are. Now we are prepared for when you will have your accidents." Mindi said and gave Sofia a kiss on the cheek. Sofia was one big smile. The diaper felt really comfortable and thick.

How Sofia and Steve ended up in diapersWhere stories live. Discover now