Chapter Sixty: The Family of Blood

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"Make your decision, Mr Smith."

"Perhaps if that human heart breaks, the Time Lord will emerge."

John glances wildly between Martha and Matron Redfern, then to the floor where I lie with Art hunched over me for protection.

With a wave of some invisible force, all of our attackers gasp, raising their faces towards the ceiling. Martha takes the opportunity to grab the gun pressed to her head and turn it on Jenny instead. "All right. One more move and I shoot."

Baines' eyes flare with an eerie delight. "Oh, the maid is full of fire!"

"And you can shut up!" She shoots into the ceiling and turns it back to him.

Mr Clark croons, "It's all right, Son of Mine. This is all for you, so that you can live forever."

Spurred on, Baines aims his gun at her. "Shoot you down!"

"Try it. We'll die together."

His face doesn't change. Not even a twitch of emotion belonging to the boy he once was. His voice is distant, dazed but still full of cruelty, "Would you really pull the trigger? You look too scared."

She quirks an eyebrow in challenge. "Scared and holding a gun's a good combination. Want to risk it?"

He looks at John, slowly, and then back to her. They all lower their weapons. The Matron hurries back to our side. "Doctor," Martha calls over her shoulder, "get everyone out. There's a door at the side, it's over there. Go on. Take Inara with you, she needs medical attention. I'll get there when I can."

John doesn't move. I let out a hiss as I am lifted into Art's arms and wrapped in the trench coat but don't refuse help. My abdomen burns hotter than any fire. I can barely think past the pain.

"Do it. Mr Smith, I mean you!"

"Do what she said," the Matron shouts. "Everybody out, now! Don't try to argue with them. Outside, all of you. Come along, Arthur. Quickly, now."

Our escape isn't easy. Jostled from left and right by screaming people, Art struggles to keep his hold on me. Once we are in the clear, I force him to wait until John and the Matron are out. The teacher rushes straight over to where Timothy stands, staring dazedly at the two of us. "Latimer, get back to the school, tell the Headmaster—"

"Don't touch me!" he cries, stumbling back. "You're as bad as them."

"D-Doctor, Martha and Lucy are still in there. We have to go back!" I manage to whimper, writhing to get a better look at him. It slips my mind for a moment exactly who I'm talking to.

While he clearly wants to remind me, the Matron rests a gentle hand on his shoulder to warn him against it. "We'll do what we can. Arthur, dear, why don't you—"

The doors of the village hall fly open again and Martha comes sprinting out. "Don't just stand there, move! God, you're rubbish as a human. Come on!"


It only hits me once we pass through a set of heavy double doors that we have run to the boarding school. Art apologises for the unsteadiness of the journey all the way. John snatches up a bell once we reach the foot of the main staircase and begins to ring it as loudly as he can.

"What are you doing?"

"Maybe I can't fight them, but this school teaches us to stand together. Take arms! Take arms!"

Martha looks at me in surprise but I am barely able to lift my arms, let alone stop him. "You can't do that," she angrily protests.

"You want me to fight, don't you? Take arms!"

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