Chapter Ten: Heartsick

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TW// People on rooftops

The Doctor still hasn't woken up. We move him to the Tyler's spare room, change him into some pyjamas and home that the comfort will do some good. So far, nothing.

"Here we go," Jackie says, passing Rose a stethoscope. "Tina the Cleaner's got this lodger — medical student — and she was fast asleep, so I just took it. I still say we should take him to a hospital."

Rose shakes her head vigorously. "We can't! They'd lock him up. They'd dissect him. One bottle of his blood could change the future of the human race. Now shush!" She places the buds into her ears, resting the chestpiece on one side of his chest. After ensuring that she can hear the heart beating, she moves to the other side. I look to her anxiously and she nods. "Both working."

"What d'you mean, 'both'?"

"He's got two hearts."

Scoffing, Jackie stares at the man in bewilderment. "Oh, don't be stupid."

The girl rolls her eyes. "He has."

"Anything else he's got two of?"

"Leave him alone!"

I'm woken by someone gently tapping my shoulder. Startled, I lift my head from the bed, realising that I now sit on the floor beside it. Jackie smiles warmly, giving me a steaming mug. "There you go, love. A nice cup of tea. Hope that's all right."

"Thank you."

"You know," the woman sighs, taking a seat on the edge of the bed, "we never got to talk properly the last time we met. You weren't with Rose and the Doctor the last time they visited."

"No. We didn't meet them that long ago; my friend and I— Well, it's just me now. I don't know if I'll be joining them long term."

She nods slowly. "You got any family to visit for Christmas? I'm sure they'll be missing you. Perhaps we can get you a taxi or something?"

Lowering my gaze, I shrug awkwardly. "I've never properly celebrated Christmas before. It doesn't really exist where I come from."

"Oh my God, are you an alien, too?"

"Yeah. Well, mostly. My father was human, but it's not exactly something I'm proud of."

Her eyes widen in surprise. She opens her mouth but closes it soon after, speechless. "Oh. Wh-What about your mum?"

I take another sip of tea. "I haven't seen her since I was a kid."

"Oh, I'm sorry, sweetheart. Could you get back in touch? I'm sure I've got a phonebook lying around here somewhere, I could help you look for her. Or my friend, Mark, he's good at finding people. Or maybe the Doctor's got some alien tracking thingy. Or you could try-"

"Don't worry. I can't see her. Anyway, I've got more important things to worry about."

A harsh ring from the doorbell breaks through the quiet. Trying my best to send her a grateful smile, I silently motion to the hall.

"I'll leave you in peace," she says. "See if you can wake him. Okay, love?"

I let out a long sigh once the door is completely shut, looking wearily down at the Doctor. "Look, I— I don't know if you can hear me or not. If you can, please give me a sign. Wake up or at least give me a clue so I can help. You were right, I trust you, I really do. I trust you with my life. Ever since the night we met, I knew that I needed you in my life. You and Rose are all I have left. So just wake up, okay? Please?"

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