Chapter Four: The Doctor Dances

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It is still dark when we arrive at the crash site. The guards stand in place, caged in by thorns of wire. All is quiet. Jack goes a little ahead of us, peering through the slight fog. "Hey, they've got Algy on duty. Must be important."

The Doctor nods. "We've got to get past."

"Are the words 'distract the guard' heading in our general direction?" Rose whispers to me.

"I don't think that'd be such a good idea."

She rolls her eyes at Jack's words. "I can handle it."

"I've gotten to know Algy quite well since I've been in town. Trust me, you're not his type. I'll distract him. Don't wait up."

I can't help but chuckle at the surprised look on her face. The Doctor meets my amused gaze with a smile that relieves my apprehension. "Relax. He's a 51st-century guy. He's just a bit more flexible when it comes to dancing."

"How flexible?"

"Trust me," I sigh, "I was only born a couple centuries ahead of him. By our time, humans are everywhere. You people have little shame."


He is visibly trying to supress a grin. "So many species, so little time."

The horror on her face shouldn't be so funny but it truly is. "What, that's what we do when we get out there? That's our mission? We seek new life and— and—"


A horrified look takes over her surprise. Not as horrified as I'd expect. We follow her gaze to the distant silhouettes of Jack and Algy.

More specifically, what used to be Algy. His face changes just like Constantine's had, stretching and darkening. His cries subside.

"Oh my Gods."

Racing towards them, I narrowly miss the Doctor's arms as he wildly gestured to the other guards. "Stay back!"

By the time we get there, the masked creature lies on the ground, motionless. "The effect's becoming airborne, accelerating."

A mournful wail rips through the quiet — sirens. The Doctor groans, "Here we go again."

"Didn't you say a bomb was gonna land here?"

We nod, nervously eyeing the dark sky. "Never mind about that. If the contaminant's airborne now, there's hours left."

"Till what?"

"Till nothing. Forever. For the entire human race. And can anyone else hear singing?"

Sure enough, I can. A lullaby.

I lead the others, creeping towards the sweet voice. It brings us to a shed. Inside, cuffed to a table, is Nancy. She hesitates as soon as we lock eyes but hurriedly continues. One of the creatures is fast asleep in the chair next to hers.

Motioning for her to keep singing, the Doctor disables the lock on the cuffs with a click of his sonic.


he spotlights around the crashed ship burst into life. Unprepared, I have to squint at first until my eyes adjust.

Jack reveals the ship with a sharp tug at the tarpaulin hiding it. It's just the same as the last time I saw it. Mostly, anyway.

"See?" he says. "Just an ambulance."

"That's an ambulance?"

Wrapping an arm around Nancy's shoulders, Rose struggles to find the right words. "It's hard to explain. It's— It's from another world."

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