Chapter Seven: Bad Wolf

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TW// Brief appearance of snakes, guns

The world spins around me. A shrill ringing pierces right through my skull.

I open my eyes. The room is almost completely dark, only a few spotlights illuminating the empty corridor

I don't know where I am. I can barely remember how I got here, let alone my name.

"Oh my God, love, are you okay? Let's get you up, shall we?"

Groaning, I try to fight the urge to throw up as someone pulls me to my feet. Looking forwards, I come face to face with a young woman. Human, definitely, with sandy skin and bushy brown hair.

"What..." Swallowing thickly, I gently shake my head in an attempt to clear it. The urge to vomit only worsens.

"It's okay, take your time. I'm Liz. What's your name?"

Staggering forwards, I flinch as someone hurries up to us with a clipboard. "You two, get in your places. We'll be live in a minute!"

Liz guides me towards a group of people waiting by a door. "I'm—" My mouth feels impossibly dry. "I'm Inara. Wh-Where am I? How did I get here?"

"The transmat beam, of course! Now be quiet, we'll be on any second now. And remember to stay silent."

"'On'? What do you mean? Where are my friends? What's—"

A sudden noise blasts from unseen speakers, loud music that sends my head spinning all over again. One by one, the people in front of us walk through the set of double doors.

"Meet the players! Secondary school teacher, Koltar. Accountant, Meri. Guitarist, Becky. Pharmacist, Drey. Artist, Liz. And Inara."

Staggering through the door, I squint. The room is large and brightly lit, the walls lined with bookcases. A library.

I join the others at a table in the middle, trying to hide my face from the several cameras that seemed to be pointed at us. Leaning towards Liz, I try to ask her again. "Sorry, I don't think I'm supposed to be here. I was..." It takes a moment to remember. "I was in a ship with my friends. I need to get back—"


The entire table stares at. It's easy to see that they aren't angry. No, they're terrified. Something is keeping them in there with me. None of us want to be here.

Turning my head, I do my best not to show my fear when I see what is behind the front desk. The creature is made completely of metal. Parts of it have been painted in the attempt of giving it a face, but its bright streaks of colour don't make it any less frightening. It's an android. An actual android.

"Round one. The challenges are worth three hundred pounds. The highest importance: silence. Begin!"

With shaking hands, Koltar deals out the cards. We each receive one facing down, the words 'Silent Library' written in bright yellow across the black surface. Liz grabs onto my wrist just as I am about to turn it over, pulling it back under the table.

Once we're all ready, we turn them over. My card is green, its assurance that I'm 'safe' seeming a little far-fetched in this strange and unsettling environment.

A quiet sniffle catches my attention. Becky holds a bright yellow card, emblazoned with a skull and crossbones. Reaching for the lever of the box next to us, she pulls it down to reveal a message on a small screen.

"Hot tamale!" the android cheerfully announces. A crew member places a small, black chilli in front of Becky. "The contestant must eat an entire Venturian chilli in under a minute."

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