Chapter Thirty-Three: Worlds Apart

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A deadly commotion rages on by the time we reach the storage bay. Peering around the doors to where the Tardis stands, caught in the middle of Torchwood's last fight for self-defence, I curse under my breath. "No way we're getting past that. If— What are you doing?"

Glancing to the hand I push against his shoulder, the Doctor frowns. "Being clever. Why?"

He doesn't wait for a response. I watch, dumbfounded as he pushes his way through the small gap between the doors and crawls his way across the room. His return is accompanied by two black bulks of metal that he carries like handbags. I wince at the close passing of a Dalek ray over his head and reach to yank him back through the gap. "Of course. 'Clever'."

A series of loud clanks from the ceiling soon divert our attention as it slides open. "What are they doing? Why do they need to get outside?"

His 3D glasses are back on again. He squints through them at the Daleks gathered protectively around the Genesis Ark. "Time Lord science?" he mutters to himself. "What 'Time Lord science'? What is it?"

They rise up and out of sight.

Letting the doors shut once more, he leads us back down the corridor. "We've got to see what it's doing, we've got to go back up. Come on. All of you, top floor."

"But that's forty-five floors up! Believe me — I've done them all," Jackie loudly protests.

From around the corner, Jake suggests, "We could always take the lift."

Up in Yvonne's office, the windows show a pale city, fogged over. The Genesis Ark hovers in our sight. It starts to spin. Its speed gathers and gathers until just a blur of light hangs in the sky. Something emerges. And another something. More and more, shooting off across the white expanse. Daleks emerging from the darkness within.

"Time Lord science — it's bigger on the inside."

Mickey and I exchange fearful glances. "The Time Lords put those Daleks in there? What for?"

Once again, his expression hardens. Dread and anger and fear. "It's a prison ship."

"How many Daleks?" Rose timidly questions.


Even from here the screams are louder than thunder. Overwhelming. Innocent civilians are dying and I don't know what to do. I'm sick of this feeling.

"I'm sorry," Pete shakily speaks up, stumbling away from the windows, "but you've had it. This world's going to crash and burn. There's nothing we can do." He takes a spare button from one of our operatives and tosses it over to Jackie. "We're going home. Jacks, take this. You're coming with us."

"But they're destroying the city!"

He scoffs and puts it on for her with a degree of gentleness I haven't seen him display before. "I'd forgotten you can argue. It's not just London, it's the whole world." She tries to look to us but he guides her gaze back to meet his. "But there's another world just waiting for you, Jacks, and it's safe as long as the Doctor closes the breach. Doctor?"

Turning to us, his cartoonish glasses on once more, he breaks into a wide grin. "Oh, I'm ready!" I barely manage to dodge out of the way before he races over to the nearest computer desk. "Equipment right here. Thank you, Torchwood! Slam it down and close off both universes."

"We can't just leave. What about the Daleks? And the Cybermen?" Rose objects.

"They're part of the problem, and that makes them part of the solution. Oh, yes! Well? Isn't anybody going to ask? What is it with the glasses?"

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