10 | Execution of Plan A

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Hinata lay in her bed, one hand stretched out by her side and the other resting on the crown of her head. She was breathing slowly although tempted to start hyperventilating and have a heart attack. So she'd planned the entire thing out with Naruto and even had a run-through as if preparing for an act in one of the movies she acted in. She was a professional actress so it should be easy, but the thought of how she was going to be punished because of her tardiness rang in her mind. The wound that ran diagonally across her back had not completely healed yet and the thought of getting another one was terrifying.

She gripped the sheets of her bed, muttering encouraging words to herself, telling herself that this was more of a reason to get her intimate revenge. It was nothing to be worried about. Just as she sucked in a deep breath she heard a ping of her phone and a knocking on her door. Slowly sitting up, she picked up her phone to check the notification.

Naruto☀️🦊 : Are you ready? We need to be there on time before everyone else.

"Hinata! Are you okay?!" The deep husky voice outside her door was way too familiar for her. Kiba. She scurried out of her bed, straightened out her dress then rushed towards the door, slowly swinging it open. Immediately she did, she was tackled to the floor by the large dog her boyfriend owned. Oh right, she was engaged.

"Hey Kiba," she forced a smile onto her face. He helped her up just to trap her in a bone-crushing hug. She let out a little laugh, burying her face into the crook of his neck. He smelled like dogs but there was a whiff of Victorian Secret that seemed to linger. She brushed it off, he did have a sister, but that was not important. "Umm," she glanced over at the clock that sat on her bedside table, "I have to tell you something, but don't worry, umm, it's only for a year," she fiddled with her fingers and her eyes darted around the room.

The brunette dropped onto her bed along with his dog and slid his phone out of his pocket. "What is it? You can tell me- what is this?" He slowly picked up the portrait of her and Naruto on the first day they had taken their Newly Wedded photographs, anger bubbling inside of him.

"That's what I wanted to tell you about," she spoke, walking up to him and taking the picture frame out of his hands, and gripping it tightly. "Father has forced me to marry him for the company. The Uzumaki/Namikaze Engineering Industry has signed a contract to work with us for a year. That contract was my engagement to their son, Naruto Uzumaki-"

"But you hate him. And you have a boyfriend. Me." He cut her off as his voice slowly escalated in volume.

"It's not like I could tell my father that. You know him and how he's like, he never even approved of us anyways. And besides, this is only for a year, and even in that year, we aren't bounded to be together, we're still allowed to be seeing other people of our interests. We're only a couple on paper." She tried to reason with him, gripping the hem of her dress. Kiba sighed and stood up, raking his hands through his unkempt coffee-coloured hair. "Kiba-"

"Hinata...I don't get it, but I can't stand you being with someone else that's not me. I'm afraid this is the end." Hinata's eyes twitched and she could feel her veins popping. She slammed her hand on her bedside table and glared at him in raging furry,

"I told you! We're married on paper! I don't love him and he hates me! Why are you so fixated on breaking up?!" She was screaming now, her heart twisting and clenching as an alien feeling washed over her. "And what's with the Victorian Secret?! I know for sure Hana only uses Barley Breeze, and your mum doesn't use perfumes." This time she sent him a critical glare, the one she gave when she suspected someone of being a pervert.

Kiba clicked his tongue and brushed past her, pushing her to the side in the process. "You don't have the right to accuse me of cheating if you've been with that blonde bastard for who knows how long." Hinata let out a low chuckle that slowly unfolded into a soft yet intimidating laugh. She held her stomach tight and tears streamed down her face. "What's so funny?"

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