3 | Meeting my fiancée

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Naruto balanced a pencil between his upper lip and his nose and at the same time, blowing air upwards, trying to lift his bangs. It didn't work. On the other hand, The masked silver haired man frowned in irritation. The pencil Naruto was balanced fell and rolled past the maths question he had been stuck on for the past 15 minutes. And then he met eyes with the masked man.

"Oh yeah Kakashi-sensei, I don't get this question." A vein popped by the corner of Kakashi's face. Of course he didn't get it. This was the 18th time of him explaining the same algebra equation to the oblivious blonde but that only seemed like water falling off a ducks back. Naruto sighed, "I mean, when in the world are they going to ask you," he paused and looked into his scribbled notes, "Find the value of y in the equation '2y x 5 = 3y x 5' what ever that means. What does value mean Kakashi-sensei?"

Seriously?! Kakashi was walking on a thin tight rope right now. One more and he might as well snap. Naruto leaned back on his chair and resumed his attempt in balancing the pencil. And then came a snapping sound. It was so sudden it made to blonde boy fall back on his chair and the back of his head came in contact with his bedroom floor quite violently, making him wince in pain.

After a while, he finally thrusted himself upwards back in his chair to come face to face with an angered masked man. He had either ends of a broke pending un both of his hands and murder was clear un his uncovered eye. Naruto gulped and rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

Without giving much thought, he quickly got onto his knees with both hands on the floor begging for mercy. "I'm so sorry Kakashi-sensei! I swear it would never happen again!" That's when he said yesterday, and two days ago, and last week, and last month, and last year. That was his New Year Resolution. Too bad he wasn't good at keeping promises.

Kakashi let out a little sigh. His boss's son had quite the unique personality that didn't seem to change anytime soon. He was like that as a child to begin with. Particularly always stupid to be precise. He always had a habit of pulling pranks, showing up late to important events - not like he was one to talk - but at the same time, he had a rare habit of making everyone around him smile by just being close to them.

Runs in the Uzumaki blood. He got all of that from his mother. Asides from the being stupid part. Kakashi stood up and walked towards the bin that lay by the side of the door and dropped the broken pencil in. The blonde boy looked up at his supposed mentor who stood by the door holding it open.

"You can take a break. I'll be back in an hour." And then he disappeared. Naruto smiled to himself. For some reason he had always looked up to Kakashi and come to see him as a mentor - sensei - and a second father, along with Iruka.

Kakashi always seemed to know what to do and how to make the right decisions and live a reasonable life despite all the things that had happened to him. His mum died of a sickness, his dad committed suicide and his best friend died in a car accident.

A normal person would have gone insane, closed him or herself off or committed some kind or harm or even suicide to himself. But him, and Obito. They both remained strong and set high goals for themselves and look where it brought them. He truly admired Kakashi.

He sighed and got to his feet, packing up his books and putting them to a side on his desk then picked up his phone to text his best friend. It was then he remembered the conversation with his father the previous night and facepalmed. He couldn't believe he actually agreed to that, then again, it wasn't like he fully hated Hinata Hyūga.

It was because of how successful and perfect she was that he couldn't stand her. She was like a female version of Sasuke, and Sasuke was annoying. Asides from the fact she was like Sasuke she was everything he wasn't. She had a happy family, asides from her dead mom, and everything she asked for, her dad gave her. He was always home to be with her and treated her and her sister like princess.

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