New Year's Special

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Ships~ Cream, Killermare, Dustberry, Bloodlust, Afterdeath

Side ships~ DreamLustBerry, HorrorDust, Reaper x Killer, DustLust, Horrorberry, Killer x Lust, Errorink, Kross, Murder time trio, Blue x Cross, probably more little moments but fuck it.

Genre~ fluff

A/N: I think I might have a multi-shipper problem...  gonna try for 5,000ish words let's see how I do. Also lots of POV switches and Shattered and Dream being the same. 
A/N2: Haha, If you just want the cute confessions and kisses... well New Year kisses... then skip to Reaper's Pov otherwise you'll read about 3000-4000 words that you don't need to.



New years is a weird concept for us. I mean a year is a long time but after living for so long, stuck the same way due to never ending multiversal resets, a year starts to feel more like a long month. It's not like the passage of time is faster but a year does... has kinda started to lose its meaning.

Maybe that's why we all started to have a silent agreement to celebrate New Years every decade rather than every year.

"Hey Crossy?" Cross hummed in response, giving me a slight glance to show his attentiveness. After my pie incident I wasn't allowed to help in the kitchen, Killer, Blue and Reaper agreed to that.

"Can you ask everyone in the kitchen what drinks they want?" Cross smiled, stopping his work of arranging cookies on a round platter.

"Of course, give me a sec." Cross disappeared into the kitchen. I look around before grabbing a cookie off the platter and stuffing it into my mouth. The cookie was warm and round, covered in white powder and from the flavor and texture I could tell it was some type of almond cookie.

"Mm, Kills really out did himself." I mumble while grabbing two more and stuffing them into my mouth.

"Darling, you should wait to eat those." I hear a voice from behind me and I smile, swallowing the last bit of cookie before I face Lust.

"They're so good though." I smile innocently at Lust.

"Trust me I know. I'm just warning ya cause Killer already threatened to stab Dust's hand, when he tried to get one." Lust walked up to me and kissed me on the cheekbone. Lust was shorter than me in reality but his 5' inch heels let him make up the height. He was carrying two bags that I could only assume held groceries for the chefs in the kitchen. "Do you need anything, Darling?"

"Nope, Cross is already getting what I need." Lust nodded, then glanced at the cookies.

"Which one?" I whisper, reaching my gloved hand to grab one.

"I hate admitting it, butttt, I am a basic bitch." I laugh and grab a chocolate chip with an M & M cookie and place it into the awaiting open mouth.

"Oh my multiverse... Killer needs to bake for us more."

"Maybe if we started to take more chores on for him, he would have the time." Lust shrugs and mumbles, "True," as he goes to walk into the kitchen.

I wait a bit before Cross finally reemerges, "Okay Killer and Reaper both requested Caprison and Blue and Dust want some Whiskey brand from Underfell."

Cross raised a bone brow to the cookie platter before whispering, "How were they?"

"Divine, thank you." I lean over the island counter and kiss Cross on the teeth. "Now may I know what my prince would like to drink or would he like to drink from m-"

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