Shopping (Chaos Duo)

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Ship~ Killer x Reaper (?)

Side ships~ Killermare(?)

Genre~ Fluff & Angst (Hurt/Comfort)

CW~ Agoraphobia, Killer and Reaper being besties, slight mention of eating disorders but nothing serious or specific
WORD:3273 (Short and Sweet)



 Shopping! YAY!

Don't get me wrong I'm fine with shopping it's just's all so... tedious. What makes it more tedious is that I stay away from social shit and yet I'm the one that does the shopping... by myself. 

I look at the list in my hand from Blue, normally lists are long for 5 people households... but we live with over double that, not to mention Horror finishes much more food then he should by himself. Though he has gotten slightly better at not over eating.

I sigh and look at my own list of stuff for baking. 

'Why did I feel like being in a baking mood?...'

"Welp the multiverse sure loves me."

"Why what's up?" I look behind me to see Reaper closing a portal behind him with his sythe. A cheeky grin and fuzzy eye light rings simultaneously making me want to slice into his bone and swadle him to sleep.  

"When I have a long list of shit to get what do I usually do?" I raise a bone brow flopping on the couch as Reaper sits in front of me on thin air. 

"Get someone to help you. Again what's happening?"

"Well I guess you wouldn't know since you've been at work but," I stuff the lists in my pocket and pull out a knife twirling and playing with it as I inhale.

"Cross injured himself while training, Dust is having a slight LV panic right now and is locked in his room, Horror is Horror and I don't want to cause another scene, Lust is at work in his universe, Blue is in his universe aswell, Ink and Error are both busy watching for glitches and Nightmare is busy with paper work."

"Wow..." Reaper chuckled a little, and switched to be laying down instead of sitting. 


"What about Dream?"

"Dream just got off of work and is finally taking a break."

"And GenGen?"

"Reaper... you know Geno and I have a mutal friendly hatered for one another." I smile at the thought that it was mostly me hating Geno and him just having enough. 

"Welp, good luck." Reaper was about to float off but before he could I stoped him, "Asshole help me." 

"I just got off of work just like Dream did!?"

"Yeah but I care more about my future brother in law then I do about you."

"One ouch, and two you and Nightmare are engaged?! Since when?!"

I roll my eyelights at his comment, "Since never. We love each other sure but not romantically. Though I wouldn't mind-"

"Nope stop! Don't wanna think about it!"

I laugh and get up from the couch, "Please, Reapsy, it's just gorceries and if its two of us it'll go faster cause we can divide the store in half." 

"je jure que je vais baiser- fine."

"Thank you, ...fucking bilingual bitch..."

I open a portal to Glitchtale and soul drag Reaper from behind me. 

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