Self-defence (Killer x Lust)

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Genre~ Fluff

TW/CW~ mention of past sexual assault, slight half nudity(just a shirt off with top echo summoned and a hint that the echo is female so...)



I was in the au manor taking my turn to wash the dishes, my thoughts drifting to the strange gift Killer had given me a few months prior. It was a grided blue piece of paper with a scrawled  shape of some kind of bracelet.

It was definitely one of the weirdest gifts I've received, but there was something about the grin Killer held that made the paper valuable to me. 

"You'll get the second part of your gift in a year or so~!" A grin and a wink acompaning the saying before the smaller ran off to not be questioned.

It would be simple to think it was his way of saying 'oh I'm getting you a custom made bracelet!' but Killer was never that simple. Killer was chaotic, he loved solving mysteries and loved confusing people with his own even more. 

The blue piece of paper was folded neatly in my drawer. The clink of dishes and running water made my thoughts drift further to the smaller Sans. Killer was indeed chaotic, but he never let it stop him from being a good friend. 

Another, more distant, memory came to mind, one that was a decade and a half old now. 

"Hey, Blue, babe?" I looked over to the mentioned skeleton, who was currently entertaining himself with the actions of our drunk friends. "Yeah, Lust?" Blue looked back, an alcohol bottle in hand half empty already despite getting it a few minutes ago.  

"I'm going to freshen up." I said pointing towards the restroom door with an eyeliner stick in hand. 

"Okay, 5 minutes then I'm coming after you." Blue put a thumbs up. With that emergency plan out of the way I stood up and walked to the restroom.

The place was surprisenly clean. Then again Underlust restroom tended to be cleaned often due to all the... mess that was made in them. Especially the restrooms in bars.

After grabing a napkin and placing it on the sink, for precaution, I placed my eyeliner on the napkin. Surveing the current damage to my eyeliner for the details I would need to fix. I silently cursed the multiverse for not allowing eyeliner to stay on bone as it did on human flesh. 

I heard the door to the restroom open but payed it no mind as I grabbed another napkin to completly redo my right socket. Luckily I opted not to wear eye shadow. 

"Well, well, well." A scrapy and all too familar voice called, "If it isn't the one me and my friends took first." I never knew his name, but I'd never forget that voice. I ignored him contining to wet the napkin and wipe off the eyeliner. 

"Awwe, come on some folk had to break you in."  I again ignored the comment, even if he tried anything Blue would be in here to help in 2 and half minutes, maybe less since he liked to be early. 

"Silent eh, come on let me take you to the back of this place. My friends are waiting. Me and my friends can renew ya." I felt hands grip onto my waist so I shoved back only to be pushed back, hitting the wall farthest from the door. 

"Get the fuc-"

"Hey, asshole."  The monster colasped to the ground from a kick to the back of the knee, delivered by Killer. "One, touch him again and you'll lose a hand. Two, Learn proper grama, its 'my friends and I' not 'me and my friends'. Bitch."

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