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December 2019
It's been over a month since the realization of Fiona and Eve becoming parents settled in. They're obviously terrified, but it doesn't mean neither are excited because they are. Adams has been redecorating the upstairs guest room almost every day. Fiona decided to let her fiancé do whatever she wants, not like she had a say. The room is minimalistic, but wasn't dead looking, it had actual life to it. Fiona loved and understood why Eve took care of everything, but it was just perfect.

William was found 2 weeks ago and he was thrown behind bars, no bail. Eve cried when she found out, Fiona could only hold Adams. Now Jennifer didn't have anything to stress over, and everything was finally safe. Which meant telling Lily the whole truth, but didn't go so well. Adams has been given the silent treatment ever since. It hurts, but she also feels like she deserves this. Fiona obviously disagrees with her and she hates seeing the two of them fight. Jennifer's due date is in a week, she's hoping Lily will finally talk to Eve before her sister is born. He's the bad guy, it doesn't make sense why Adams seen as the villain here. Everything is beyond infuriating.

A few days before the baby was born, Fiona saw a message on Eve's phone and it came from Ms. Robinson. You should probably tell Fiona you fucked me after your engagement party. Her heart sank when Fiona looked at the text message. She obviously deleted the text and stared at Eve, disgusted and hurt. It didn't make sense because Adams stood up for her against and then fucks an ex? Again. Fiona told her the last time she cheated that she would leave. How was Fiona suppose to leave when they have a baby coming within the next week? She couldn't handle another failed wedding, Fiona decided to not tell Eve until the time was right. It's unpredictable. It sucks Eve did this, again. Why did she have to do this again? Why? December 14. It was a sunny morning, until Jennifer woke up and realized she's in labor. It was a long 9 hours, but Lauren May Adams was a beautiful and healthy girl. Fiona already forgotten why she was mad at Eve. Christmas was a beautiful ending to this wild year. Fiona didn't forget what Eve did to her, but it was pushed back because of Lauren. Thank god.

January 2019
It's now been over a month, and Lauren had her one month just passed. Fiona still hasn't told Eve anything, but Jennifer knows about it and she feels awful. Eve slept with her too many times during their relationship, so it's always been there, Adams feelings. They're getting married in four months, what is she suppose to do? Last week, Gallagher got a call from Ian saying he proposed to Mickey, and he wants her at the wedding. Of course she would be there, but this meant she had to tell them about Eve. That was the difficult part about going back home, but she could do it. Fiona smiled to herself as Ian told her how he proposed, and she was so happy for them. She knew they would end up together, despite how his first expressions. Adams is excited to finally meet her family, Fiona not so much. Her worst nightmares are coming true, this could change how Eve sees her. It was an exaggeration, but you never know.

January 23, 2019
With Mickey and Ian's wedding is this week, this meant Eve is meeting her family. Fiona's barely slept this week, worrying about what Eve will think. The only person who knows is Veronica, she doesn't know how coming out works. Adams knows Fiona's nervous about finally meeting her family, but there's clearly
something else. She's been distant and cold to Eve, it doesn't make sense.

It might be because of going to Chicago might  be nerve racking or Eve said something. She is hoping that being away for a few days will help them reconnect. That would've gone as planned, but everyone woke up to Eve being obnoxious. Adams has been stressing about the wedding the past week, Fiona's trying to stay out of it because she's get scolded. On cue, Lauren woke up yelling and that was it, Fiona starts crying. Dealing with a newborn all over again brought back some memories, not exactly good ones. Between taking care of Lauren and trying to act normal, Fiona's a mess. Overstimulated the appropriate term she would use.

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