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November 12, 2018
Six days ago Evelyn asked Fiona to move in with her, and she said yes. They finally went to Adams play room. Everything was going great, until Eve got a call that she needs to be in LA by tonight. There's a location that's a part of of her new film, that happens to be on the other side. Gallagher was upset. She didn't know if Eve would be home in time to go to San Francisco for Thanksgiving. Plus, Fiona obviously doesn't want to be left all alone with Jennifer and Irina. She'd rather eat sandpaper dry. Eve is trying to level with her, because she's being so overdramatic.

"You're acting like a fucking child" Adams sighed, rubbing her temple. Fiona just scoffs at what she said. Is she being serious?

"Me? Says the one who doesn't give a fuck about my feelings. I'm not spending Thanksgiving alone with your family. Your mother, you know, the one who's been threatening me? You haven't told her to stop, and it's nearly been a month. Why?" She defends herself, as Eve sat on the bed, looking like a fool. That's what I thought.

Eve realized Fiona was right, and felt awful. She hasn't found the right time to tell her, but its a bullshit excuse. "Fiona. You don't understand" Adams sighs, which made Fiona hurt. She was beyond upset at Eve.

If your partner's mother was threatening you, wouldn't you tell them to back off? Not in Evelyn's world apparently. Fiona started to think that her mom was right, she doesn't love me. "You're right. I don't understand why you're defending and standing up for her, when you should be doing that for me. That's not what girlfriends are suppose to do, but right now, you're being an awful partner. I'm sure in the past, your mom got away with doing shit like this, but I wont tolerate it. You're suppose to defend me" Fiona spat out, getting so overwhelmed, she started crying. Adams knew she's fucked.

"Honey" Eve says, getting up to rush over to Fiona, but Fiona backed away quickly.

Eve's never felt more guilty. She regrets not calling her mom that night. "I can't believe I'm about to say this, but your mom was right. You don't love me" Fiona says and Evelyn felt her heart break. She fucked up. Fiona believe that she didn't love her, because she didn't stand up for her. No.

She tried to reach out to her, but Fiona had walked past her. Eve messed everything up, again. Why am I such a fuck up? "Fiona" Evelyn says, feeling her own self start to cry.

Gallagher couldn't look at her, because she would get emotional. "You should really get going, you're gonna be late for your flight" Fiona told her, facing away from her.

She was right. Eve grabbed her bag, and walked over to Fiona, and pressed a kiss to her cheek. "I love you" Evelyn whispered, before she left a very confused Fiona alone.

November 16, 2018
For the next few days, Fiona and Eve barely said more than 5 words to each other. It was awkward, something shifted in their relationship. Eve took care of that problem as screamed at her own mother. Irina then understood that Adams was serious about Fiona, and would be apologizing to her. She suddenly felt a million times lighter, and can go home with good news. Evelyn realized it was fucked up to not stand up against her own girlfriend. She's a bad girlfriend, and it sucked to admit the truth. Her producer had finished shooting earlier than expected, so Eve was going home sooner. It would be a good surprise gift for Fiona, but shes still pissed off at Adams. This was all her fault.

Fiona spent the last few days figuring out how to respond to Eve. Obviously she loves Adams, but still was still hurt and confused. Last night Irina called her, Fiona ignored it, but got a text saying to please call her back. Irina apologized for being rude and trying to bribe her with money. Fiona knew Eve that she finally talked to her mother about it. She does loves me. That lead to her figuring out to tell Adams thank you, but after an hour, it became too stressful. With that, she turned her phone off, and went back to bed. Evelyn was told she got to go home early, which is a relief, but it meant seeing Fiona. Adams doesn't know if Fiona still wants her head planted on a stick or not. She bought Fiona some flowers, roses, cliché as they were. As
Adams walked in the house, she could hear water running from upstairs. Evelyn quietly headed up, striped down and found Fiona in the shower. Evelyn really missed seeing her.

Fiona felt a presence, and turned around to see a beautiful naked Eve. "Hi" Evelyn says, as she slipped in the running shower.

She smiled as Adams, as Fiona was pulled closer to her body. "Hi. You're home earlier than I'd thought" Fiona said, as Evelyn had placed her hands on both sides of her face. Adams smiled at Fiona's heavy blush. Cute.

"Apparently I needed to be in the scene for only a second, but I missed you, baby" She shrugged and brought Fiona close for a much needed kiss. Evelyn got what she had been craving for the last few days. Fiona.

Fiona broke away for the kiss for a second, Adams pulling a puzzled look. "I love you" She whispered and watched Evelyn's face turn rouge.

Oh, thank god. "I love you" Adams said, and smashed her lips into Fiona's again.

November 22, 2018
Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving hasn't had a good past when it comes to Gallagher's. Especially the one where Monica came back home, and slit her wrists in during dinner. It sure as hell traumatized the little ones, but that was years ago. Fiona prayed that Eve's
family won't be like hers this holiday, tame and under control, but she was wrong. She quickly misjudged that when Fiona saw a different side of Adams: controlling and not the Evelyn Gallagher knew. Eve knew that it was wrong to snap on her like that, and she realized it was rude. Fiona was smoking her third cigarette on the rooftop, and Adams felt like an ass. She had walked over to her girlfriend, but got a cold shoulder instead.

When Fiona turned around, she saw a guilt stained Evelyn. "Are you here to yell at me again?" She asked, flicking her cigarette in the ashtray.

Adams sighed and came to sit down next to her. "No, but can I apologize for being an ass the last few days?" Eve asked, and got a shoulder shrug in return. Sure they have fought, and might've said harsh words, but this time was different.

Fiona didn't give a rats ass for her bullshit excuse, but she gave in. "Fine" She said.

"Look. My family is a mess, and during the holidays I tend to lose my temper. I really didn't what I said, you know that" Evelyn explained and Fiona understand, but still had an effect on her.

"Doesn't mean it didn't hurt" Fiona said, and finally gave eye contact with Adams.

Eve could only sigh, and move closer to her love. "I'm sorry, baby. You're not annoying, nor a pain in the ass" Adams says, with a light chuckle. It cracked a small smile out of Fiona. She understood why her girlfriend is being an ass, hence the kiss.

"It's ok. You can be a real bitch" She said and they laughed at Fiona's little comment.

Adams reached over and gently pinched her arm. "Hey! I love you" Eve said, and leaned over to kiss her stubborn girlfriend.

Gallagher smiled into the kiss with a slight blush. "I love you, too" Fiona whispered and leaned towards her for another sweet kiss.

"You better" Eve chuckled against Fiona's mouth, bringing her in for another kiss.

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